Chapter 45

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Amanda's POV

The appointment went well. I was thrilled with what Brian and I were going to have. My mind was spinning thinking about names and nursery decor.

I dropped dad off and headed back to the house. When I walked in, Brian was nowhere to be found. I called for him but then realized his shoes and sunglasses were gone.

I see he did the laundry. At least something here got done. But dinner wasn't cooked, the spare room was left the way it was, the kitchen was still cluttered, and the floors were still dirty from some sand grains.

I tried calling him but he wasn't answering. Then I tried calling Val and her phone was off.

"Wonderful..." I huffed.

I decided to try Lacey. Thank God she answered.

"Hey, Mandy."

"Hey Lace," I said, "Do you happen to know where Brian is? I went to my doctors appointment and came back and he's not here. He didn't even cook dinner..."

"What?" I could practically see her roll her eyes, "I know John and everyone else went to the beach for some huge party that's going on down there."

"Nice..." I whispered, tapping my fingertips on the countertop.

"I'll come on over and help you, okay? I didn't feel like going out with them anyways."

"Alright, sounds good. Thanks, Lace."

When Lacey got to my house we immediately started ranting. I was infuriated with Brian. I was also hurt. I've got his child in my stomach and he can't even wait around for me to come home and tell him the big news I found out about the child. He couldn't even cook dinner? I'm not just eating for one, here...

But Lacey came over and started helping me cook right away. While she cooked I vacuumed and wiped down some of the kitchen.

"I'm gonna wait for Brian to get home so he can do this damn nursery by himself." I plopped on the barstool and buried my face in my hands.

"Don't rush it," she handed me a glass of water, "You've got five months to get it done."

"Yeah, then we've gotta plan for the baby shower and-"

"Tell you what, I'll organize your baby shower for you. I'll do all of the planning and invites and you just focus on making Brian do some labor in that room. He's gonna be a dad, he shouldn't be partying like this, it's so immature."

"How come you didn't go?"

"Because I didn't want to be around all of these obnoxious drinking people. I don't know, it's just not my thing much anymore."

"At least I'm not the only one."

"You're not, trust me. The only parties I'll go to are the after concert ones, but even those can get really irritating."

"Well hey, I'm not even going to be able to go to anymore of those anymore so by all means, come and sit with me if you don't attend any."

When Lacey left I remained sitting on the barstool. It was dark out and I expected him to be home sometime soon. I stared at the wine glass filled with water for what seemed like forever before I heard the door open.

"Hey..." Brian stopped in his tracks once he closed the door behind him.

I took a gulp before I spoke.

"How was the party?"

"So much fun." he replied in a loopy way. He was drunk too? Wonderful...

I raised my eyebrows and puckered my lips slightly, not looking at him.

"Mands," he walked over and hugged me from behind, "Let's go upstairs."

"I'm going upstairs to sleep," I stood and walked away from his grasp, "Tomorrow you can go upstairs to finish the spare room you decided to blow off."

When I got upstairs, I decided that I didn't really want to sleep. I wanted to cry. I didn't want to be anywhere around him, though. I grabbed a pair of pajamas and entered the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind me. I took a look at myself in the mirror once I stripped and I rubbed my baby bump.

"Mandy!" Brian's distant voice was calling me like a little kid.

I shook my head and turned the faucet on, filling the fancy tub with warm water and a relaxing scented oil. While I waited for the tub to fill, I sat on the edge of the tub and buried my face in my hands and cried. The more time that passed, the harder I cried. I didn't even want to stay here for the night. Brian was drunk, he couldn't take care of a few things I asked for him to do, he couldn't even ask me about my appointment. As if he didn't care. Yeah, he's drunk, but even before that he knew I was going for an appointment about our child.

"Mandy? It's me, Bri. Open up? Pretty pleeeaasseee?" Brian knocked on the door.

"Not now, Brian." I wiped my face and turned the faucet off.

"But Mandy..." he whined.

I didn't reply. I stepped into the tub and closed my eyes, tilting my head back and taking a final deep breath.

"Mandy," he whined again, "I want to try new stuff tonight!"

I bit my bottom lip hard. He seriously forgot about the babies, didn't he? I decided to wait in here until I didn't hear him have a hissy fit anymore. Then once he was out like a light, I would go somewhere. Anywhere but here.


"Hey, come on in."

I walked into the apartment and my dad took my things and led me to a small spare room.

"Is everything alright, honey?"

"I just need to get away for a night, that's all." I smiled.

"Well talk to me," he sat on the edge of the bed, "tell me what's going on."

I sighed and sat down next to him. After explaining everything that happened and ranting a little bit more about my pregnancy and Brian, my dad nodded at me.

"I'm sure you feel stuck," he said, "I'm sorry you've been feeling this way...but I'm sure once he sobers his darn ass up, things will be back to normal."

"I hope..."

"I should let you get some sleep now. Especially for your busy day of kicking back, relaxing and watching Brian do all of that work in the spare room." he stood and smiled at me. His comment made me laugh.

"Goodnight, sweetheart." he kissed my forehead and closed my door.

I lied back and stared at the ceiling.

About five minutes of peace and quiet, my phone buzzed.

I rolled over and checked to see who was calling me.

It was the hospital.

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