Chapter 27

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Amanda's POV

I was aware I was not dead.

I was aware I was waking up from a sleep too.

In a bed.

Under the covers.

Thankfully not naked this time.

With a really fucking killer headache.

I groaned as I slightly opened my eyes. The light coming in from the big window made the headache even worse, but once it calmed down, (barely), I realized I wasn't in my hotel room.

Something shuffled next to me and pulled me in close.

It was definitely a guy.

I now took the time to try and recapture last night's events.

That's right...

I rolled over and watched Brian's chest and shoulders slightly expand with every breath he took.

I was still kinda shocked with everything he told me last night. Things would definitely be different now. And what made it weirder was that none of the guys knew that we actually made up.

I felt weird being next to him with his arms around me, but at the same time I kind of liked it. It was really relaxing and comfortable.

He groaned and stretched, causing me to move back a little bit, afraid of what's to come next.

Brian smiled softly once his eyes hit mine.

"Hey you..." he whispered.

I smiled the tiniest bit.

"Did you sleep alright?"

I nodded.

"Did you?" I asked as he smiled wider.

"Never better," he pulled me closer, "I'm surprised Missy or Michelle didn't go on a search for you."

"I'm surprised too. Maybe Missy hooked up with Zack."

"That's possible. But there's still Michelle."

"Maybe they were too tired to realize I was gone..."

"Now that's just silly." he said, planting a kiss on my cheek. I blushed like mad.

"This is really strange." I whispered.

"But it's a good strange."

I agreed.

"Well tonight's party will be more fun then." Brian grinned and snickered.

"Definitely," I grinned back, " you think we should tell them about what happened?"

"Why not?"

"I don't know. I just think it should be kept quiet for a few days...maybe we're still really drunk."

Brian rolled on his back and laughed.

"Even if we were you can't deny that this is way better than screaming at each other." he said, his thumb rubbing the skin on my arm.

I humbly agreed.

After a while of laying in bed talking some more, Brian stood up and changed into his day clothes and checking his phone.

"Jims texted me asking about you." he said as he was typing.

"What are you saying?" I stood up and walked over.

"I'm telling him that I haven't seen you. I'm going to ask him when they're going to be down there. Then I'll join them and you can come on down a little bit after if you'd like." he smiled at me.

So with that being said, Brian left the room to join the group down at the beach. I stayed in his room and looked out of the window for about ten minutes before deciding to head down. But before I did that, I decided to check the room, just out of general curiosity.

In his bags were clothes, some toiletries, and chargers and other stuff for his laptop and phone.

I checked the drawers, there was nothing. I checked the closets, nothing.

I found the thing he bought for Kenna hidden under the bed for some reason. I smiled to myself when I saw a pretty silver chain and a diamond pendant attached to it. He must be really close with his sister.

I put the bag back and made my way down to the beach.

The girls were laying out in the sun on towels and the guys were, once again, wrestling and beating on each other in the water.

"Hey," I smiled.

"Where were you?" Missy perked up and moved her sunglasses down the bridge of her nose.

"I was shopping."

"No, last night!" Michelle added as the girls looked at me worriedly.

"I crashed here last night," I laughed, "I got back and closed my eyes while laying here and I woke up to those damn seagulls and got up and decided to shop!"

"Are you okay?" Valary asked in a concerned tone.

They actually bought that?

"Yeah, I'm perfectly fine!" I grinned, looking out at the water.

Nightmare - Full of Pain (Synyster Gates)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz