Chapter 37

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Brian's POV

Amanda was released from her room about an hour and a half later. When I saw her walking I rushed over.

"Mands, are you okay? What happened?"

"I was just dehydrated, that's all." she smiled.

I knew that smile. She knew something else that I didn't, and she sure as hell didn't want me to know.

"What else?" I frowned.

"Nothing, they just told me I might be having some kind of diabetic shit going on." she shook her head and greeted the others.

I watched her as she talked to everyone else. I was a little annoyed with her that she was lying to me. Or maybe she wasn't lying about the diabetic thing, maybe she just doesn't want to make a big commotion over it. That's probably it.


It was a couple of days before Christmas and we were booked with plans for parties. The 22nd we go to Johnny and Lacey's, the 23rd we host our own party at our house, the 24th we go to my dads, the 25th we go to Matt and Val's, and for New Year's Eve we go to Zack's. New Year's Day we go the Dibenedetto's for a supper.

Amanda and I arrived at John's first. This was their day to exchange their gifts with us because they had to go to both of their families the next couple of days.

"I know you'll like this one." John said as I opened up a framed picture of his ass.

Everyone (who eventually showed up later on) laughed their asses off.

"An ass for an ass." he said, handing me my actual gift. John and Lace gave me a new shirt, new guitar accessories and a new outfit for Pinkly. Amanda got a shit ton of new beautiful clothes and a bottle of perfume.

"Oh, come on Lace," she held up the bottle, "I told you not to get this for me it was so expensive..." she groaned.

"No, I had to. You deserve it. Besides, it's not like we don't get a lot of income." she winked and Amanda smiled.

Zack's gift was the funniest of them all. Apparently Amanda helped Johnny make this edit because Zack opened up a framed photo of Gena and Missy together of them holding up a sign saying, "Much love, Zack"

The next day Amanda and I had just finished cleaning and decorating the house around six. All we had to do was wait for everyone to show.

I took a good look around the festive living room with a smile. I loved Christmas time, I thought it was just so pretty and fun. The gold tinsel sparkled around the entire ceiling, the tall and full Christmas tree stood in the corner of the room with ornaments, lights, and tinsel thrown up all over it. We had fancy champagne glasses filled and waiting on the kitchen bar countertop. Cheese platters lied around the room and the presents stacked tall under and besides the grand tree. You know that Christmas smell? The smell of wreaths and pine cones and berries or vanilla? Yes, that filled the room too.

"Mands, this is amazing-" I turned around and frowned when I realized she wasn't there, "Amanda?"

The doorbell rang as I started to go up the steps. I answered it and smiled as Matt, Val, Jim, and Leana stood with their gifts.

"Hey," I greeted, "come on in."

"Woah Syn," Jimmy said, "I love what you've done with the place!" he mocked a woman, making me laugh.

"Don't compliment me, this was mostly Amanda's doing." I said, handing him a glass of champagne.

"Speaking of, where is she?" Val looked around, "I've got something for her."

"What is it?" Matt asked as Val grinned he famous wide smile and hid the small black bag.

"None of your business." she said.

"Hey Amanda," I called from the bottom of the steps, "Company!"

I walked over to the door and answered it once the doorbell rang again.

"Hopefully Amanda doesn't kill me." Zack said as he walked in with a twelve pack and a girl at his side.

"Hi, my names Savannah." the petite blonde held her hand out and smiled.

"Brian, nice to meet you." I briefly shook her hand and closed the door behind them.

Yeah, she won't last long...

"I'm going to go check on Amanda." I said as Val came down the steps.

"Amanda's fine, I just checked on her." she smiled and walked past me.

"What was she doing?"

"She was changing and fixing her hair again. You know how girls can be." she sighed and started unloading some food she cooked for all of us.

Amanda came down the steps. She had her hair curled in tight curls and she was wearing a dark green dress, one of the many clothes she got from Lacey and John yesterday.

"Are you alright?" I walked over and whispered, placing my hand on her shoulder.

"Yes, I'm okay, babe." she smiled up at me.

"Amanda's here!" Jim yelled like a little kid, rushing over and pulling her in a hug.

"Not so tight Jim, not so tight!"

"Oh, sorry," he chuckled smiling down at her, "so what's up, buttercup?"

The two talked more as I was called to Val.

"Can you help me?" she asked with her hands full.

"Sure, what's up?"

"Can you grab the turkey from the oven? Amanda told me it's been in there a while and I completely forgot to take it out about ten minutes ago."

I did as she said and walked back over to everyone else.

"So how about those gifts, huh?" Zack rubbed his hands together.

"After we eat, Zee." Val called.

"Okay mom..."

"Amanda, come here for a minute." Val called out again as Amanda left to go to the kitchen.

The doorbell rang and as Amanda walked she said, "I'll get it!"

I watched her answer the door and hold conversation with someone. She then stepped outside and shut the door.

"Val," I yelled as she looked over, "who was that?"

She shrugged and continued preparing the meal.

I walked over to the door and listened. It seemed to be a man's voice. I quickly opened the door and watched as an older man stood in front of Amanda with a small gift in his arms.

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