"Put your hand in my pocket." I whispered into Niall's ear. He gasped at me and slapped my arm gently.

"Pervert." He chuckled. His blue eyes were dazzling with playfulness. I gave him a look like I was serious and he better do what I told him now. He rolled his eyes then seductively reached into my pocket. I fake moaned to make Niall's cheeks turn pink as he pulled out what I had got him in Australia. It was a necklace that was long with a leather chain and at the end it held an Opal gem at the end that was tear drop shaped. Niall held it up, the different colors of blue and green making a kaleidoscope of the colors changing.

"You didn't have to get me anything, Zayn. It's beautiful." Niall said as I took it and slipped it over his head. It hung down to just above his stomach. It looked really good with the gray shirt he was wearing and in a way made his eyes look even bluer.

"It's the national gem in Australia. Plus, I love getting you beautiful things. Proves how far we've come. I also love decorating your beautiful body." I told him, looking over his chest then looking up at him. He kissed me then reached down into my pocket again, but this time it wasn't for anything that I had brought him from Australia.

"Daddy, Baba! Grandpa said he was going to take us to lunch. Can we go?" Ethan and Ezra ran into the kitchen to say. Niall took his hand away from me and jumped off the counter. I laughed as I gave his bum a pinch. Mark came in and came over to me.

"I figured you needed some time to rest up and... Well, you're married, so I'll take the boys for a few hours." Mark told me. I hugged him and he kissed my cheek before going to to get my boys. He gave Niall a kiss on the cheek too then all of them left our house. I was standing backwards and wasn't expecting Niall to jump on my back. I just grabbed his legs then continued to catch my balance.

"Let's go somewhere in the house and get naked!" Niall yelled. I ran with him straight up the stairs then went to our bedroom. I flipped Niall around me without letting him touch the floor. Niall decided to be a bit cheeky and dropped one leg to kick the back of my leg, making me fall to the floor. We were both laughing as we ended up on the floor. I slipped off Niall's shirt, but Niall decided to continue being crazy and flipped me so I was under him. He took my shirt off then leaned down to kiss my neck. I grabbed his bum and took deep breaths while he kissed down my chest to my stomach. Niall nuzzled his nose into the line of hair that disappeared into my pants.

"You should get a new tattoo right here." Niall's hand gently dipped into the band of my boxers and rubbed over my pubic bone, pushing my pants lower. He licked that spot and gave me a wink with his eyes looking so blue and so innocent as he slipped off my sweat pants and boxers down. I was in a state of shock because Niall hates when I get more tattoos. He's never told me to get one, but I was all for getting another if that made Niall happy.

"It should be my name." Niall whispered then went down to lick from my balls to my hard tip. I reached down and and gently ran my hand through his hair. He took my tip into his mouth and reached up to get my free hand in his. I always loved when he did this. It wasn't only because it felt amazing, it was mainly because of how intimate it was because Niall made it that way. His hand was always holding my hand or my legs. His lips would kiss new places that I could feel the passion burn from him. The actual task was what made it feel like Niall was so close to a private area that he could see every flaw and he still could look at me with love in his blue eyes.

He sunk down on my member and that's all it took for me to push up and release. Niall pushed my hip down and swallowed everything I gave him. Light tremors shook my body before I pulled Niall off from being too sensitive. Most men are usually embarrassed when they come too early, but with me I don't care unless it's actually sex. I know that it always makes Niall feel good. Niall's mouth is just too good to even hold off on finishing.

The Rematch (Ziall Horlik)AU M-PregWhere stories live. Discover now