#15: Savage

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It was depressing, everyday.

He wasn't allowed to step within five feet of a prey. And this collar was digging into his skin. The fur was already starting to fall out, it was so tight. Every morning he has to adjust it a little since while he slept it dug into a certain spot. As usual, Nick Wilde woke up with an angry attitude and a sore neck. It was the same routine, get up, get dressed, and leave. Nick yawned and itched at his neck before exiting his tiny and messy apartment.

His apartment was located smack on the outskirts of Zootopia, along with all the other predators. On the sidewalk he passed all the sad looking animals with the same collar around their necks. Everything was its usual. Nick's ears twitched, he heard the weeping of a young animal. Slowly he made his way toward the cry, of course he didn't want to help, but he did anyway. It led him to a small bunny who was crying his eyes out.

"Hey kid calm down," Nick said gruffly.

"Sissy!" He cried.

Nick sighed,"Look you're ok, just stop crying, what's there to be afraid of?"

The bunny looked up at him and sniffled. "I want my sister."

"Ok fine, we'll find your sister, just stop crying, got it?" He said sternly.


Nick started walking off, and soon the scared rabbit followed too.

"What does your sister look like?" He asked looking over his shoulder.

"She's a police and wears police clothes and stuff...."

"Well not much of a description but ok, is she working today?"

"I... I don't know."

"Ok that's fine, we'll just go to the police station," Nick said.

The two made their way there, however the rabbit fell, stumbling over his own two feet. His leg was skinned, and thus began crying. Nick shushes him softly, patting his head.

"Come on now, what did I say about the crying?"



Nick stopped and spun around, his ears flat against his head. The cops held a gun up, aiming it at him.

"Step away from the rabbit," said one.

Nick scowled,"This is bullshit. I was just helping out the kid."

"You know the rules fox, three feet."

"I'm tired of this, if I wanna get more then three feet then damnit I will," Nick snapped.

The police were aggravated and eventually tackled Nick to the ground, beating him. The bunny watched and cried in fear and shock.

"Stop! You're hurting him! I want my sister!" He sobbed, holding his bleeding knees.

One of the officers grabbed the rabbit up and took him in a different police car.

"Sissy!" He cried as they drove away.

Nick was pushed around and shoved into the car. His heartbeat raced as his body trembled in anger and pain. His pupils shrunk while he gritted his fangs together in a growling motion.

"Shut up back there fox," the other officer hissed.

Nick snapped in response, growling lowly the whole way there. Once they got there he took Nick in and threw him in his cell, leaving him. He collected himself in a corner, still growling in anger. Hours passed until the doors opened. The officer from before returned with two rabbits. The boy from before and a young women. Nick didn't look up, instead he put his head down.

"Hey! Get over here!" He snapped.

Nick lashed out at him, the women and little bunny backed up. The officer didn't like this response. He held a device in his hand and pushed a small red button. The collar on Nick's neck beeped before shocking him. His body instantly fell to the floor as he grabbed at the collar. Nick whined and cried, the women watched in horror as her little brother was watching with shock.

"Stop! You're hurting him!" She said with disgust.

The officer gave no mercy and ignored her. She grabbed the remote and tossed it before throwing open the bars.

"Wait! Officer Hopps!" He called.

She ignored him and walked in slowly, Nick was on the floor still, panting heavily. Crouched, she was right next to him and gently put her paw over his ears. He flinched and growled lowly.

"Shh... It's ok," she whispered, stroking his head.

He stopped growing, but remained quiet and still.

"I'm Judy... You helped my little brother, thank you," she said sweetly.

Nick slowly pushed himself up and looked into big amethyst eyes that shined with love and warmth. Her paws rubbed around his muzzle and toward his neck. With one hand she reached into her utility belt and pulled out a small key and inserted it into the collar. Immediately it clicked and fell off, revealing the tender area around his neck. Judy tossed it and rubbed around gently, sighing. Nick trembled, drawing himself closer to her. Judy giggled and fell back as he crawled over her lap, his head on her thighs.

"You poor thing," she cooed.

Judy snapped her head up,"I want him in the infirmary now."



The two sat there in the cell until Nick was more aware of what was going on and collected himself back to sanity.

"How does it feel?" She asked him.

"I feel free, safe, and no more pain, it really hurt," Nick mumbled, rubbing his neck with closed eyes.

"I'm sorry, this was the stupidest thing ever, who even thought about this?" Judy scowled.

"I'm just glad it's off," he grumbled.

"And it's going to stay off, thanks again for helping my brother."

"Oh yeah no problem, and thanks for helping me out back there... And sorry for acting all weird... It's just..." He looked away slightly.

Judy waited for him.

"I've never gotten attention like that before and I got ahead of myself..."he said embarrassed.

"Oh..." She blushed,"It's fine... I-I liked it."

His ears perked up,"You... You liked it? Really?"

Judy looked away,"yeah... Um..."

He got closer to her and studied her. She was so pretty... But she was a rabbit. A really pretty rabbit.


"What?" She asked.


She smiled weakly and just randomly hugged him, tightly. Nick was never touched like this, it felt so warm, new, and great. It make him feel loved, he never wanted to let her go. Judy was going to pull away, but he didn't budge.

"Please don't," he mumbled, inhaling her lavender scent.

Judy shook her head and continued to hug him. Soon her little brother joined the two and dug his way in between the two. Nick had never felt this loved before.

But what he didn't know was that it was only the beginning.

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