#7: 8 Moments With Nick and Judy

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~1 Big Booty Judy

Judy was wiping up a soda spill on her counters. She leaned over and stretched to reach since she was so short. Nick sat on her couch and slurped the sofa that he spilt. He watched her, smirking.

"Nick why couldn't you of cleaned your own mess?" Judy sighed, jumping slightly.

"Because I like the view from here," he chuckled.

"What do you mean?" She asked innocently.

"I mean that I like sitting here and watching you, big booty Judy," Nick snickered, shoving his snout in his soda.

Judy blushed deeply and turned around, her eyes widening. "NICK."

~2 Tails

"Nick can I..." Judy blushed, smiling at him. "Feel your tail?"

He was watching tv on her couch, flipping through channels. Nick turned his head with a small blush on fur and looked at her with confusion.

"Ah no sorry Carrots, my tail is off limits," he chuckled quickly.

Judy ignored him and grabbed his tail, stroking it.

"H-hey stop that-oh...mmm"Nick purred, his leg thumping like a dog.

She giggled," You like it?"

Nick hummed in content mixed with his purring. As she continued to stroke his tail he reached behind her and grabbed hers. She yelped and jumped, scrambling to the other end of the couch.

"Nick Wilde! Did you just squeeze my tail!?" she harrumphed.

He was trying to reform his posture, clearing his throat. His blush went down and he had his signature smirk back again.

"Hey you touched mine, I touched yours," he snickered.

Judy smacked him across the face.

~3 A Joke...?

Judy and Nick sat silently on her bed. They both were reading quietly, Nick held back a smirk as he read a paragraph in his magazine. He glanced over at Judy and saw how peaceful she looked reading her novel. Nick knew it was time to change that.

"Judy..." He broke the silence with his kind of sleepy voice.

"Hm?" She asked, not looking away from her book.

"I wanna have sex," Nick said slowly.

Judy's face beamed red when she jerked it up to look at him. "W-What? Nick? Now? I mean, no! We're not even married! A-And."

Nick howled loudly in laughter, closing his magazine shut. "I'm just messing around Judy!"

She breathed deeply before playfully slapping him.

"Don't joke with me like that!" She squeaked.

Nick finally finished laughing and calmed down. Then his face grew serious as he leaned in close.

"Wait, why? Did you want to?"he said huskily.

"W-what? No!"she said quickly.

"I'm just kidding," he chuckled.

Judy glared and pushed him off the bed.

~4 You're Havin' Twins Mr. Wilde!

Nick sat worriedly next to Judy as the two waited for the Doctor to get back. After they were married, they didn't think it was possible to have offspring. Boy were they wrong, Judy was pregnant and today they were having their first sonogram. Just to see if the baby was still alive and if it was even in there. Nick was suffering the shock of finding out that he could possibly be a father. He was the worried one, Judy was calm and even excited one.

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