#9: Jealous

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A/n: Thank you all so much for the votes and comments! It means so much to me!(^^) And the followers! Just 75 more until I get to 100! I love you all! Ah I feel loved XD Anyway enjoy the oneshot! Remember to vote, comment, but mainly enjoy!(*^^*)

// Kat~<3\\

Nick couldn't believe how Valentine's Day could be so... so lovey dovey. He usually didn't mind it that much, until he got a girlfriend. It's not like he didn't like making love to his girlfriend, but he didn't like when other animals tried to flirt. He dreaded each Valentine's Day that he and Judy worked together. It was always the same, everyone loves Judy and gives her all these goodies. It made him, dare he think it, jealous. Nick hated it, how could Nick Wilde be jealous? It was ridiculous, how could his girlfriend make him jealous when she's not even flirting back?

Nick felt selfish, he wanted her all to himself. Overprotective, he didn't want to share his things. But he would never tell anyone that, not even Judy. He tried just not paying attention, that didn't work, he even tried walking out of the room. But then he'd just walk back into the room and watch her because he didn't trust the other guys. It was always the same, maybe this one would be different? ... Or not.

"It's Valentine's Day Nick," Judy cooed, pecking him on the cheek.

He groaned and rolled over, hiding under the covers. "What's Valentine's day again?"

Judy frowned," Come on Nick, just pretend to like Valentine's Day, I don't know what your problem is."

Nick stretched before slowly sitting up. "Valentine's day just doesn't make any sense to me. One day a year to show your mate how much you love them? Heck, I can do that any other day."

"Just get ready for work," she huffed before storming out of the room and slamming the door.

Nick glanced over and instantly felt bad. He just didn't want to pay any mind to Valentine's Day, it'll just end up like last year, and the year before that. He climbed out of bed and dressed in his police uniform, pulling a rose from a flower vase on Judy's dresser. Maybe she couldn't notice... He went down the stairs and almost collided into her. Nick grinned at Judy while she crossed her arms, thumping her foot.

"Come on, forgive me?" He cooed, holding out the rose.

Judy frowned, but took the rose and replaced her frown with a small smile.

"Yeah fine," she said lowly.

Nick leaned forward,"You know you love me."

Judy frowned," Do I know that? Yes, yes I do."

He grinned and kissed her forehead, brushing down her ears. "That's what I thought, let's get this day over so we can get ready for a Valentine's dinner."

Judy smiled,"Ok."

She headed out the door while Nick lingered inside for a moment. His fake smile disappeared as he watched her walk outside. He was not ready for this day.

"Come on let's go Nick," Judy called to him.

He ran out and got in the car as they zoomed off. When they arrived at the police station the inside was decorated with small red hearts everywhere. Officer Clawhauser greeted them happily, something in his hand. He waved it around as they approached him.

"Happy Valentine's Day Judy!" He chirped handing her a card.

She took it with a big smile and opened it to see a piece of heart chocolate in the center.

"Aw thank you so much," she said happily.

Clawhauser beamed before turning around to Nick. "I'm sorry Nick I didn't get you anything, I thought it would be weird lol."

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