#4: "Bored" At the Office

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Paper work.
A bunch of paper work for Judy to get to work on. Frustrated she grabbed a pen and scribbled her name down on the signature spots. However, to be honest, she had to read most of the contracts. Just in case she didn't sign over a case to the wrong person or something along those lines.

As she had her nose down in paper work, she didn't notice Nick walk in. He drank the last sip of his coffee while flipping his shades up and down on his head.

"Hey honey bun, what's shakin?" He asked teasingly, tossing the cup in the trash but missed.

Judy's head shot up in alarm, her ears perked up. Once she saw it was him, her body slouched and she was back to doing her paper work.

"Don't you have some case to work on? I'm kind of busy here with this darn paperwork," she grumbled.

Nick shrugged and sat in a computer chair that spins. "The chief told me to hang in here because I was annoying him in the break room."

Judy gave him a blunt look while Nick grinned widely as he spun around.

"Looks like I'm stuck with you Carrot top," he whistled.

She groaned, making Nick love how annoyed she was getting. He pushed off the desk and towards the wall, making Judy's pile of papers fall. Nick hit the wall and make a picture of him and Judy fall to the floor. Judy tried straightening the papers before she looked up at the cracked picture frame. Nick grinned sheepishly and jumped up, grabbing the picture.

"Sorry Jude the dude heh," he quickly put the picture back up.

She glared as he slowly pulled the chair up against her desk and remained quiet for a few moments. Judy breathed in slowly and continued with her paper work. After a few seconds, Nick began to play with the staples and paper clips, making a small castle. However they fell in front of Judy, making her pen slip and mark on the desk. She flicked the paper clips and staples away as Nick smirked and propped his chin on his hands.

He just stared at Judy, intensely, trying to make her uncomfortable. Finally she realized his little game and kicked him under the table. He whined, making Judy snicker. Nick narrowed his eyes before rubbing his tail against her legs. She slammed her pen down, feeling the soft fur trying to wrap around her thighs.

"Nick Wilde do not touch me!"she squeaked, trying to pull away from his grasp.

She struggled so hard to get free that she fell out of her chair, dragging Nick with her. Both of them were under the table, Judy pushed Nick away while he was laughing like a hyena.

"C'mere Whiskers," he chuckled, grabbing at her.

Suddenly his male instincts kicked in as he pinned poor Judy. She looked up at him and struggled against his weight.

"Get off me Nick," she squealed.

He grinned while his tail slowly trailed up and down her thighs. She shivered, her body tensing.

"You like that Carrots?" He growled.

Judy harrumphed," N-No, get off!"

His tail flicked above her thighs, Nick had to hold back from grabbing them himself. Instead she squirmed while Nick leaned down so that their noses touched.

"Ah what a great view," he said huskily.

She turned her face away with a frown. "You're such a pervert."

Nick tsked,"I am an animal...."

His paws rested on her sides, slowly he extracted his claws so that they pinned her. A small part of her was scared, the other slightly annoyed and attracted to his friskiness.

"I need you," he whimpered.

Judy blushed deeply, her whole body burning from his touches. Before she could react, the door to her office opened rather quickly.

"Hey Judy! I need to ask you something!" Said none other than Clawhauser.

Nick quickly sprang up, hitting his head hard against her desk. Judy squirmed out from under and poked her head up. Her fur was a mess and her face was completely red. Nick gasped for air while he grasped his head; his face was also red with blushing. Clawhauser soon put two and two together, watching them scramble to stand up.

"Uh I think I'll come back later when you're not busy," he said nervously before leaving.

When he did leave, Judy smacked Nick really hard on the chest while he looked down at her with that boring old half opened eyes look. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and was above to leave the room like nothing happened. Judy glared and grabbed his tie, making him come nose to nose with her.

"Later. At my apartment. Be there," she whispered fiercely.

Judy pecked him on the cheek and pushed him out of her office, leaving him stunned. Once he was gone, she looked at the mess in her office.

"He's so... Frisky," she mumbled with frustration.

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