Chapter 65

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Hey guys, thank you all for being so supportive and understanding. All you're motivating comments And messages mean a lot and they really help <3. I know it's been too long since I updated but I really hope you enjoy it.


We've been sitting here, in Cameron's living room, for what seems like 2 minutes when really it has been almost an hour. Nither one of us has spoken a word. I don't know whether it's because we both don't know where to start or if we just want to stay in this moment for as long as we can.

My phone rings through the room eating up the silence. I pull it out of my pocket and see that it is Cameron calling me.

I answer the phone as I stand up and walk to the balcony.

"Hello." I say.

"Hey, Sorry I'm just checking in to see if you guys are okay?" Cam asks.

"Yeah we're fine." I say leaning against the railing.

"Haven't killed each other yet?" he asks letting out a slight chuckle.

"Not yet" I chuckle nervously. Who knows what will actually happen when we start talking.

"Alright well April and I are going to chill for a bit let us know when it's safe to come." he says.

"No, Cam this is your apartment. Come whenever you want." I say feeling guilty.

"And get in the way of all this finally being over? No way." he says.

"Thanks Cam." I say letting a small smile creep on.

"Yeah, yeah, now go fix this." he says before hanging up. I hangup and take a deep breath trying to clear my mind before walking back in.

"Who was that?" Austin asks. His voice his croaky and his eyes are heavy.

"It was Cam." I say before taking a seat on the sofa diagonal to the one he is sitting on.

"They coming?" he asks. I shake my head no.

"I should explain, everything that happened." I say quickly as if trying to rip off the band aid as fast as possible. He looks at me for a second before looking away and nodding his head yes. He sits up slightly waiting for me to start.

"I promise I wasn't doing this to get a rise out of you." I start. "I just wanted some proof that you don't hate me. You were showing me no emotion what so ever, this was the last thing that I thought would work."

"So you tried to make me jealous and stressed?" he asks squinting. Not the reaction I was hoping for.

"I didn't want you to be stressed out or anything like that." I say. "I guess I never thought about that." I murmer. "But what else could I do Austin? You wouldn't even look at me!" I say trying to swallow the lump that's formed in my throat. He looks away not making eye contact with me.

"Doesn't explain you with Felix?" he spits.

"There was nothing going on with Felix. We were just friends." I explain.

"Oh right, that's why you guys were basically fucking." He says sarcastically.

"I was drunk out of my mind, I was barely conscious. Plus you werent even here, what if I was just moving on? You can't stop me from doing that." I say quickly. Looking at his facial expression makes me feel as if it was a mistake saying that. However I know it had to be said.

"That's not my problem. My problem is the fact that you were jumping from guy to guy, feeding to all my doubts. You started dating Chase right after I left without even reading what I had to say. Then when I come back a second time you don't meet up with me and next thing I know you're always with Felix." he saying trying to keep a good composure. I can tell all he wants to do is yell.

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