Kaguya Atsurami

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"Otsuki Atsurami, you are banished from this clan for treason."

Atsurami struggled against the tight grips on her arms. The two men holding her grinned at her pathetic attempt at escaping them as they dragged her away from her home. She glared at them when they painfully tightened their grip.

She had expected this to happen. Her violet eyes looked at the boy who was silently watching her go. He seemed calm but the whole situation had troubled him. She had attempted to take that boy far away from the clan as an attempt to avoid a national war with Kirigakure.

According to them she had stolen their most prized weapon.

Kimimaro. The boy who's bloodlimit was the strongest amongst the Kaguya clan.

As they reached the outskirts of the village, the men roughly threw her to the ground. Laughing as the rocky ground grazed her arms and legs.

She winced when she saw blood stains appear on her white kimono.

Those brutes. Atsurami thought as she picked herself off the ground.

Women were deemed lower in the clan because the Shikotsumyaku was weaker if not nonexistent in them.

Men saw them as property. Fathers owned daughters and husbands owned wives.

That rule never applied to her. She was a proud member of the female community, representing them and defending them at the council meetings whenever she could. Atsurami was the only female allowed to attend these meetings.

She was quite the unique case for such an exception to be made but the clan was always looking for the opportunity to get rid of her.

And she wanted to get away from them as much as possible.

Grabbing on to the rest of her dignity, she marched away from the place she never called home, happy to have left the war-loving prideful Kaguya clan.

But what was she going to do without money, shelter or food?

Atsurami wasn't sure but she headed off in a random direction, hoping to stumble on nice people that could help her.

And she did.

Senju Hashirama and his little brother Tobirama were the first people that she was fortunate enough to meet.

It had been a week since she had left her village and Atsurami was hungry. She had walked through some dense terrains and had finally reached a calm forest where she could hunt and eat. But then they appeared.

Apparently they had felt the presence of an unknown person and came to investigate.

Tobirama had been all against it, thinking it was a plan devised by the Uchiha to lure Hashirama out of the village but his brother's curiosity had overwhelmed him.

Hashirama was a spirited man who had a strong will and a stubborn personality. When he wanted to do something, no one could stop him.

And he loved to meet new people.

The woman that stood before them had to be in her twenties and relatively close to their age. Her white kimono had brown spots of dirt and her calf length raven hair was a tangled mess but her face was a serene beauty that spoke of interior calmness.

"Hello, do you know where I could find an animal to eat around here?"

Tobirama saw his brother's face illuminate as he looked at the strange woman and sighed.

Now he's enraptured.

"No but we can find you a good restaurant. Our village is close by why don't you come by? It's my treat." Hashirama's smile dazzled her.

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