Full Circle

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Thank you to all those who participated in the contest. It was great to see all the creativity and I had a hard time choosing a winner. And so I decided on 3 winners!

Congratulation to @-senkuren, @Littlemoon4star  and @blxe_blxsh for their awesome work. I will be posting the other drawings in subsequent chapters. Thank you again for all those who submitted their drawings and for all your support. Reminder that the voting for the NarutoWattyAwards start on July 11th!


"We need to lock-"

"First we need to elect a new Hokage."

"What about the war? We need to-"

Kakashi cleared his throat obnoxiously loud and the chatter instantly stopped. The council sat down and rested their hands on their laps.

"I think you should become the next Hokage, Kakashi." Koharu stated. "Tsunade has shown no sign of waking up from her coma and with the threat of the Akatsuki..."

The silver haired man chuckled nervously. "I really don't want-"

"It's not up to you to decide." Homura concluded as Kakashi's shoulders slouched down. "We also need to deal with her."

He nodded his head at Shakura who was quietly sitting in a corner. Her hands were sealed together and she had a blindfold over her eyes. 

She wasn't moving nor was she talking. She was only listening to the conversations around her, waiting for them to decide on her punishment.

"I think she should be interrogated and then locked up-"

"Its a good thing that it isn't solely your decision then." 

The door slid open and Shakura perked up at the sound of the feminine and mature voice. Kakashi visibly relaxed as a blond haired woman walked in.


Sakura and Shizune followed behind their leader closely as the council rose up. Sakura went to her childhood friend and removed the blindfold. 

Shakura's lilac gaze moved around the room, the Shinegan entrancing the whole room as usual.

"Aira." She looked up at Tsunade who had addressed her by the name they all knew her as. "I have to leave to meet the other Kages. What do you think I should do with you?"


"Quiet." Tsunade cut Kakashi off when he tried to intervene and defend his student.  

Kakashi looked at his student. He felt a twinge in his heart seeing her tied and treated like a criminal. Of course she had made some poor decisions and there needed to be consequences, but he knew that her heart was good.

And that's why he knew that she felt guilty for what she had done. 

"I think you should punish me as you would any other criminal. I deserve to face the consequences but I also want to state that I would never knowingly hurt someone from this village." 

Her words held truth, Tsunade could feel it but she also couldn't show favor and forgive her. Even if she wanted to, the council would never accept that. They didn't know the young woman like they did.

"Lock her up." Tsunade raised her hand to stop any protest. "I will go to Kage meeting and will return to investigate any crimes further. For now, this is the best we can do."

The Hokage turned around and left the room followed closely by Sakura and Kakashi who were trying to come to her defense. 

Shakura listened to her friend and sensei plead with their leader as two hands grabbed her forearms and pulled her up, dragging her away from the room, down hallways and away from the sunlight until they reached a small cell.

To już koniec opublikowanych części.

⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jul 27, 2019 ⏰

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