"I think he likes you."

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It was in 3rd period math and I was sitting beside Lucas.

"Hey," Lucas said


"Is it ok if you look after Tessa tonight?I've got football practise." He asked.

"Yeah. What time?"

"Around 5:00?"


The rest of the class we sat in silence just listening to the teacher.

The bell had just rung for home and it was pouring down. I practically ran to my car trying not to get soaked. It did not work:(

I went home and got changed into black leggings white superstars and a white vest. I pulled on my Nike hoodie and went out to my car. It was already 4:30 so if I drove fast I could make it for 5.

I arrived at the house knocking on the door. The door was opened by a very exited looking Tessa.

"Hey lee!" Tessa screamed.

"Hey Tess!" I shouted back.

Tessa stood there looking at me for a second.

"Let Leah in, its raining!" Lucas shouted from the living room.

Tessa moved aside to let me in and I saw Lucas sitting on the couch watching tv. He was wearing sweatpants and a tshirt. Isn't he supposed to be at football practise?

"Why are you still here?" I asked him.

"Well football was cancelled because of the rain, I couldn't call you to tell you cause I don't have your number."

"Oh, ok. I'll just go then." I said.

"Noooo please stay Leah!" Tessa shouted pulling on my sleeve.

"Yeah stay. We were about to make cookies!" Lucas said excitedly.

"Uh, ok then!"
We had just put the cookies in the oven and Lucas went to change his shirt because he spilt flour all over it.

"I think he likes you." Tessa whispered.

"Why is that?" I chuckled.

"Cause he was looking at a picture of you on his computer last night."

"What photo?" I asked suspiciously.

"The one were your doing the pouty thing and your face has make up and you look really pretty!" She whisper shouted.

That was my Facebook profile picture. It was my 18th birthday. that was a month ago.

"Oh" I said.

Lucas had now entered the room and Tessa started giggling. Soon after so did I.
"What's going on?" Lucas asked.

"Nothing, nothing at all."
I was standing at my locker trying to find my maths textbook as I look up to see Lucas walking towards me.

"Hey Leah!" Lucas boomed. "I was wondering if you wanted to come over to mine tonight, don't worry not to baby sit of anything. Some of the guys from the football team are coming over and I thought you would want to meet them?"

"Sounds good. What time?" I asked.

"Um around 5:30?"

"Sure, see you then." I said as I started walking to math.

I was sitting beside Emma at lunch and we were discussing what Lucas asked me today.

"Omigod!!! Lucas asked you to meet his friends!" Emma shreeked.

"Calm down, he doesn't like me. He's just letting me meet some guys from the team. It's no big deal!" I answered.

"Whatever you say Leah."

521 words!
What will happen at Lucas's house? What will you do? Find out in chapter 6!

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