"Lets finger paint!"

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I knocked on the door and almost instantly Mrs Meyer answered it.

"Hello, I really have to go. My number is on the fridge if you need me."she said as she got into her car.

I walked into the house. It wasn't very big but it was nice. I looked up to the stairs and I seen a very worried looking Tessa.

"Hey Tessa." I said sweetly.

"Hi, who are you?" She whispered.

"I'm Leah I'm going to be baby sitting you." I responded.


"What do you want to do?" I asked.

"Let's finger paint!" She suddenly chirped up and ran into a room.

"Come on!" She said.

I walked up the stairs behind her and she ran into a very pink bedroom. It had a pink bed with pink carpet, pink wallpaper, pink curtains and pink furniture. This girl LOVED pink!

"Here." She said handing me some paper and paint. "We have to do it in the garden because if we spill it it can get washed away."


We had been painting for an hour now and I had already finished three pictures, Tessa was still on her first one."annnnd, DONE!" She shouted holding up the picture for me to see.

It looked like a tree. Or maybe a elephant. "What is it?" I asked.

"It's a princess, silly!"

I heard the garden door open and shut. I looked up from Tessa's drawing and saw a very sweaty but still hot looking Lucas. He was still wearing his football uniform and he looked amazing.

"What you up to?" He asked Tessa.

"We're finger panting. Leah drew three whole pictures!" She said loudly.

"Oh, great." He said looking at me.

"Hey Leah, can I talk to you for a second?" He asked me.

"Sure" I responded and we both walked over to the door.

"Sorry if she was hard work." He said looking a little sympathetic.

"Oh, she was perfect. All we have been doing is painting and I think she was really concentrating." I chuckled.

"Thank you for doing this, i got in the team." He said shyly.

"Well done!"


"You can stay here till my mom gets back if you want. She finishes in just under two hours." He said

"Uh why not."

We were all sitting on the couch arguing over what Disney movie to watch. Me and Tessa wanted to watch  snow white and Lucas wanted to watch big hero 6.

"Come on! Big hero six has a giant marshmallow in it!" Lucas beamed.

"But Snow White is a princess." Tessa argued.

"Ugh, whatever then." He said moodily.

I got up to put the dvd on and say back down.

We were half way through the movie and I could feel Lucas staring at me.
I turned around but he didn't stop looking. We were only centimetres away from each other and that made me feel nervous. He slowly started leaning in-

"Hey I'm hooome!" Mrs Meyer shouted.

I backed away from Lucas a bit and continued watching the movie.

Mrs Meyer walked into the living room.

"Leah, here's your money. Thank you for today." Mrs Meyer smiled and walked into the kitchen.

"I better go then." I said.

"Yeah, I'll see you in school tomorrow."


I got into my car and started driving.

What just happened!?...
Hey guys!
Things just got intense. I bet you thought they were going to kiss. Well they aren't going to for a while!


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