"You remember me?"

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Authors note:
Sorry I kept publishing shit that wasn't an update(...)
Well the wait is over! I've finally decided to update!
Instead of keeping you waiting I'll get on with the story.
The girl in the picture is Tessa btw:)
"Class, we have a new student. I would like you to give him a warm welcome." Mr beacon said.
"Why don't you tell us a bit about yourself?"

"Umm, I'm Lucas Meyer. I used to come here but I went to military school for five years and I'm back now sooo..." Lucas sad shyly.

"Okay. You may sit down beside Leah."

His eyes connected with mine for a second and a small grin was playing on his lips.

"Hey there." He said.

"h-hi?" I stuttered.

"Wait... I remember you!" He grinned.
"Your the girl I kissed in that play right?"

"You remember me?" I said utterly surprised.

"Of course. That wasn't exactly something I could easily forget."

I smiled lightly and out of nervousness I started scribbling little doodles in my book. That's something I do when I'm nervous or scared.
The bell went for lunch and I was walking to the door as I felt a strong hand on my shoulder.

"Mind if I sit with you at lunch? I don't really know anyone els..." Lucas basically whispered.

"Um, sure why not! I said maybe a little to excitedly. You can't blame me!

We reached the busy lunch hall and I spotted Emma and walked over to her.

Emma glanced behind me looking at Lucas.

"Who's the dude?" She asked.

"That's Lucas. Remember he used to come here." I said looking at Emma wide eyed as if to tell her to act cool.

"Oh yeah I remember you. I'm Emma." She said confidently.

"Hey I remember you too. Didn't you have glasses and braces?" He said then by the look his face made he quickly regretted saying that.

"Ugh, don't remind me about that!" Emma practically screamed at him.

"Sorry..." He whispered while rolling his eyes.

"So Lucas. What was military school like?" I asked.

"Well it was hard but I deserved it." He mumbled.

"Uh, ok then." I said.

The rest of lunch consisted of Emma and Lucas having fights about little things and me trying (and failing) to have a conversation with him.

The bell rung for home time and I was greeted by a very angry looking Emma standing at my car.

"I had Lucas in my biology class." She screeched angrily. "My mom texted saying she couldn't pick me up. Can you drive me home?" She asked with puppy dog eyes.

"Ugh, fine."

I drove Emma home and then decided to go to Starbucks on my way home.

As I entered Starbucks I noticed that there was a family arguing at a table near the counter. As I got closer I could hear Lucas's voice and a little girls voice. I could also hear a faint woman's voice. I ordered my coffee and as I was about to walk away I heard Lucas saying something about finding a baby sitter. I used to baby sit for my neighbour and I could really use the money right now.

I deliberated going up to them but in the end I decided to be a good person and at least ask.

I walked up to the table and the woman looked up at me.

The woman looked a little older and had short blonde hair.

"Can I help you dear?" The woman asked.

"Oh hi Leah." Lucas said.

"Hi, I couldn't help but overhear that you were looking for a babysitter." I asked. "I know Lucas and I am really good with kids." I decided to stop talking so that I didn't look so desperate.

"Oh, it's ok honey it's just that I have to go to work and Lucas here is trying to say that he is too busy to look after his little sister." The woman said.

At that moment I looked over at the little girl hiding behind Lucas. She had brown curly hair and the biggest blue eyes, like Lucas's.

"Mom, this is perfect. Leah can look after Tessa when I'm at football try outs . And if I get on the team she could even look after her then as well! Please mom I really need to make friends and this is a good way of doing it." Lucas shouted.

By this time his mom looked pretty convinced. She did a small nod and said,
"Ok then. I'm Mrs Meyer but you can call me Caroline. This it Tessa, she is the one you will be baby sitting. Come to this address at 5:30." She said while writing it down on a napkin.

"Thank you!" I'll see you then."

And with that they had left. I excitedly ran over to my car. And drove home.

It was 5:28 and I was just about to knock on the door...
Sorry but I had to. This is my longest chapter yet and my fingers are sore!

»thanks for reading and don't forget to follow me!

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