The notes and instructions

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Alison's POV

After becoming a mom I realised if anything was to happen to me then I want my family to remember me in some way. I always said that I wanted people to remember me but instead now I just want my loved ones to remember me. Emily got a new job recently so I was left looking after the kids one day and it hit me, I knew what I was going to do. I wrote out some notes and instructions and put them into some envelopes along with a plastic covering so that if it was to rain then they would stay dry.  I put the kids into their push chairs and took them out for a walk with me. I placed the envelopes in places that meant the most to me and Emily and took a final trip to Spencer's house. I knew I could trust her to do this for me because she is the most likely to remember and keep this part of the puzzle safe.

"Hey Spence" I said as she answered the door.

"Hey Ali, whats up?" She asked me and frowned at my unexpected visit .

"Urgh this is going to sound really depressing but now I have these kids something has hit me and I want something special for Emily if anything happens to me, I guess what I'm asking is can you look after this and if I do happen to be 6 feet under anytime soon can you give this to Em for me?" I asked awkwardly. 

"Ali you shouldn't be thinking like this! But don't worry, I will keep it locked up with all of my important files so it will always be safe and I will never forget it, I promise" She said with a sad smile as she took the envelope out of my hand.

"Thank you Spence, do you mind if I come in for a bit? I could do with the company for a while" I asked.

"Sure thing, come on you need to cheer up" She said as she helped me carry the pushchair up the steps.

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