Chapter 17

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You went outside and started to look for contract or bounties. Whatever you can get your hands on that will make you money with particular skill set. You saw a bounty for 750,000 for some sort of top dog. Then a 250,000 bounty for a random dude by the name of deadlock. You accepted both you first went after a dude named deadlock. He was an easy target an assassin. He surround himself with his three buddies. You attacked him from the rooftop dropping down on top of him and turning his head until you heard a satisfying crack. His buddies looked at you in shock. You saluted them and mantled up the building. Like the dumbs shits they are they followed you. While they were following you, you headed to they next bounty. You went to the top dog meeting point and you were on one of the higher rooftops and you noticed a sky liner on building you were heading to. You jumped spun around and discharged your right D50 3 times. All the bullets connected with there targets skull. You then spun back around to your next target and plunged through the sky liner once you landed you saw the top dog about to sit down and shot your gun once more to send the man flying backwards. You stood up looked both ways at all the people looking at you.

"Gentlemen." You politely said

All there bodyguards drew up there fire arms and took aim at you. You smiled as the rounds started to fly. You began to dodge the hot lead. Until you made it to one of the windows and bailed out it. You were met with a 50 foot drop.

"Oh shit." Was the only words you could say

But you saw a Power line was stretching to a near by rooftop. You put one of your gun up to catch yourself
on it and began to zip line down the power line. You made it to the end and bailed off shooting the power line just incase anyone followed you. You went to go collect the bounties you just killed. Now since you had a Million dollars you had enough to purchase any mode of transportation. You could go with a Harley Davison bike, You had enough to afford a plane. It been awhile since you flew but when has that ever stopped you. Maybe a mustang or a tank.... not the tank never mind it would never fit on the road and a plane you'll need a run way. Oh the choices never let you down. How would you like to get them all but you could only chose one and pimp the living fuck out it. You couldn't decide. You though you could decide tomorrow because you were beat. You went back to your apartment and had cereal for dinner. After you were done eating dinner you went to bed. Now your nightmares were becoming more brutal about everything bad you did. This time was about the moment you killed Alex in a very brutal way. You needed Lena by your side. You needed her bad.

Ok so between the Harley Davison Bike and The mustang vote between them I personally like them both there my two favorite vehicles there are pictures below to show you how they look. Also sorry for the short chapter

 Also sorry for the short chapter

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Overwatch Tracer x Bounty hunter readerWhere stories live. Discover now