Chapter 16

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You awoke on the beach feeling like you just went through shit storm.

"Mister are you all right." A young Voice said

"Yeah,Kid I am alright." You said struggling to get up

"You know people thought you were dead. My dad took your guns off you because of that." The kid said

At that moment you were pissed you at least check someone if there alive before you loot them.

"Ok kid I have a couple questions for you." The kid nodded,"Alright first were am I and second were your dad." You said this as calmly as possible to not look to intimidating to the kid

"Well your in Vermont and my dad is over there." The kid said

Vermont you grew up here you know it like the back of your hand. Well at least the slums and cliffs that you motor crossed across when you were a teen.

"Thanks kid. Now why don't you look over there while I go talk to your father." You said and by talk you mean your going to kick his ass.

"Ok"the kid answered

You started to walk over to his father when you were half way to him he discharge your gun.

"Hey I believe you have something that belongs to me." You said bluntly

"Sorry but I just sold these guns." The man said with a cocky smile

"Yeah you did to me." You said angrily

"Do you have the money?"He asked 

Motherfucker he want me to pay for my own damn guns.

"How about this you give me the guns I don't kick your ass." You said through the grit of your teeth

"Let us look at situation shall we. I am holding two guns you are holding nothing." He stated

At that moment you lost it. You punched him in the jugular the guns went flying up into the air and you caught them.

"Let look at the situation again. Now I am holding two guns and you are holding nothing. So I recommend fucking off." you said

At that moment the guy ran out of sheer fear. You were happy that you got your guns back. You started to walk, about 20 minutes into the walk you spotted a store. You went in there got yourself some bandages, some cereal and milk. Then some pizza to have right there because you were hungry. You looked on your phone to find a apartment in your area. It was a half an hour walk but you finally made it to the apartment and through you clothes in the washer you took a shower to wash of the salt water blood. Once you were done with the shower you bandage yourself up as fast as possible and went to bed. You started to have nightmare again without Lena by your side it's hell for you. The same dream kept playing of the slaughter the people you killed Friends foes you didn't know. You woke up at 4:00 until six you exercised until six. You turned on the TV to the news .

The reporter spoke,"Breaking New the banned project Overwatch has stopped the terrorist out breaks and is being congratulated by the president in 2 days."

Two days you thought looks like I need a way of transportation to get there. You look in your wallet,Shit I' m broke you thought, Looks like it time to start hunting again.

Sorry this chapter was a bit short forgive yet again.

Overwatch Tracer x Bounty hunter readerWhere stories live. Discover now