Chapter 3

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You slowly pull yourself up. As you raised your body you start to hear voices. You decided to eavesdrop on there chat.

"Why did we bother to save him he is just a random guy" a grizzled voice said

A german voice replied,"Come on Jack he kind of did just save our lives by interfering with that battle".

The guy named Jack responded," Jack is dead your looking soldier 76 come on mercy".

"Oh, Right". The woman named mercy said with disappointment you hear two other foots steps.

You hear a hyper active british voice say," Hey mercy how the patient?"

Mercy replied," He still hasn't woken up but his vitals are a bit low". You didn't want to hear the rest of the conversation since it was about your health. So you got up and located your gear on a side table. You move out of the bed only to have your right arm be pinned by something. You turn around to see they were giving you a blood transfusion. You unhooked the needle from your skin and walked over to your gear. You still heard the chat going on outside until it was interrupted by soldier 76.

"He is out of bed". The man said that when you hear the sliding door open you barely put have your gear on just you pants and socks. But you confronted them. Mercy was the first one to speak.

"Ok umumum what your name" She said

You replied, "Well mercy that your nickname right my name is (your name)".

Mercy said," Well (your name) my name is Angela ziegler and your vitals..." you cut her off

" I don't want to hear about my health always hated hearing it". You stated

"Alright" Mercy said

Then you look at Jack and said," Is it Jack or soldier 76".

He responded," It is soldier 76". Then you turned to the last two, which was a giant ape you saw and the with your crush.

You asked," And you two are?"

The hyper active british woman was the first to say something

"Well,Love, My name is Lena Oxton but everyone calls me tracer". You nodded in responds then look at the ape implying for him to do the same he took the hint.

"Well my name is Winston and this is overwatch HQ" said the ape

You replied,"Awesome! Now I'll be leaving you said as you turned to the door. But you were stopped by soldier 76 saying something which you love to hear these words in any form.

"We have job for you" he said. You loved jobs if the pay was good

You turned around and responded," I'm all ears".

"Alright", he said " This job is simple for you all you have to do is help get Overwatch get back to it feet and loved by the people again."

"For how much" you said

"For one hundred million, but we will pay it back slowly to you we don't have that much money now". he said

"Alright", you reply "But could you do me a favor". He nodded, you continued," you can cut my pay roll in half but i want you to promise me if something happens to me that my sister would be taken care of". You really did care for the money but not as much as you cared for your sister safety. Not only that But you can spend more time with your crush.Lena, tracer both those name sound cool to you. But before you left you had to ask.

"How long have I been out?" you said

Mercy responded," Three days".

Your widen and you quickly said," Dammit! My sister she must be worried sick!"

"I'll be back in two hours" you said with a rush and booked it out the door and through the building once finally made it out side you started to rush up a building and run home to you sister. You finally got there within half hour. You were covered in sweat. You see her on the sofa she noticed quickly.

"Were have you been" she interrogated you

You said,"That unimportant right now because i just struck a deal with Overwatch". When you said that it claimed he down a lot you were thankful.

She was excited," Overwatch you means those heroes."

You were confused and ask," you knew about them? I just discovered them today."

Your sister laughed," Well, (your name) you don't watch the news". she stated

You respond to her remark,"Who does! It is boring!" Which got you even more laughter from your sister. Which made you smile.

"Well" you said,"Time for us to pack our bags". She ran off into her room excited. You just turned and walked into your. Once you did you grabbed a small backpack and started to load up the very few things you own. All you owned was your wallet,cellphone, your two D50, a picture of you your sister, spare pants that acted as your pajamas and a couple movies owned and you were done packing in 5 mins. You went to go check on your sister she was still packing her metric fuckton of clothes.

You said to her," Please tell me I'm not carrying that".

Your sister looked at you," of course carrying this what you think I was".

You let sigh and said, "well hurry up".

Overwatch Tracer x Bounty hunter readerWhere stories live. Discover now