Chapter 2

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You got back home at Seven a.m. God what a useless hunt you thought to yourself. You couldn't really stitch the wounds back together so you put bandages on and watched TV until your sister got home. Once she did she out right gasp

She screamed" (your name) are you ok!"

You replied" Yes, sis I am".

Amber worried a lot, went to go get the medical kit as fast as she could.

"When did this happen (your name)?" Amber asked while applying first aid

You said" This happen around three a.m"

You knew you shouldn't of said that because when you did she was boiling red with anger. You had to say she acted more mature then you ever did you and you were 24 and she was 22. You quickly snapped back to reality with your Amber yelling at you.

"You're telling me you had this since three am and didn't do anything about it until i got home at six pm! You could of bled out on the sofa and died. Stop treating your life as if it is not worth anything!"

"I thought I was the one to watch over you and protect you provide or you lord knows that cafe job can't really get us anywhere and if I must collect bounties and risk my own life for you I would gladly". you simply said

She sighed," alright (your name) I was just yelling at you because i don't want to lose you. I want you to be more careful the only reason you survived most wound you had was because of your luck. It might run out someday(your name)"

"Yeah well it hasn't run out yet" you joyful replied

Amber smiled at you and went of to go get something she brought you back you favorite thing in the world pizza. You were happy it was months since you had it.

You smiled up at her and said,"Thank you". you offer her half of the entire pizza and she gladly took it. You and your sister talked until eight pm. That when she said tomorrow was going to be a long day for her and got up to go to bed. You waited until she was sound asleep. Then crept to your room gearing up. You promised yourself you would hunt them. That was exactly what your going to do you put on the same stuff as this morning and snuck out the door. You climbed up the building going for the higher ground. to get a better view. So as you did before you jumped across roof tops but you didn't see the two. Like on cue your heard gun shots. You smiled and thought sis my luck is not running out anytime soon. You ran in the general direction. You were getting closer to the gun shots. Until you scaled one more building you had an overlook of a battle. You saw the two you were hunting alright along with some men with gas mask on their face. But you took a look at there foes. You first saw a giant ape.

You Sighed and said to your self," what else are we going to have giant land sharks." you realized you were looking at a smart ape and the possibilities of that happening was probably very high. So you finish your remark "please tell me didn't speak to soon"

You saw a lady that had angel wings on that was tending to her teammates. You didn't really pay much attention. You saw a guy with a cool face mask on. But none of that compare to the person you saw with them she had orange leggings on and a british pilot's uniform and something on her chest like a reactor. It was clear now that you had a crush on her. But you dispelled the thought one you saw the girl and her team mates loosing the battle. You decide it was time again to introduce yourself. You dropped down right in front of them but this time you just shot. The reaper instantly recognized and order all his troops to attack me.

"Well"I said to reaper," This is going to be fun". You dove into an ally way as the lead went flying by you. You took count of the gas mask men. There were four as your bullets connected with the two skulls. The gun fire with ripping the corner part of the wall to shreds. You could hear it advancing it was pushing up on you. You popped out fired 4 more rounds all head shot on the other four. Now it is time for you to face reaper. You pop but you were met looking down the barrels of reaper's killing machines. Reaper said in his demon voice,"jackpot".

You screamed,"HELL NO" you rolled out of the way and started running and gunning shooting at reaper. He followed that is when you knew he fucked up. You turn into a building you see a high voltage box you smiled. But your thought were interrupted by foot step they were close you stood right as the side of the entrance as soon as he came in you rammed him into the box and smashed his head in. You looked at his body as it body disintegrates away. You thought you killed him this time but you have no prove for the paycheck. You saw widowmaker try to grapple away you shot the grapple hook away. she started to run but then she turned around and shot you in the leg. it got her a grunt of pain form you but you were not deterred. Once you two got into CQC you pistol whip her and line up the guns to to her head you pull the triggers "click" you pull your guns back.

"Aw crap", you said with disappointment," I wasn't counting". She gave you a creepy smile you drew your knife and started to swing it wildly at her but she kept dodging. and punching you right in the face... let me repeat that the face. You got rather annoyed at that quickly but another punch came half way and sprayed something in your face. stunning you for a second.

"You have fun with," the widowmaker said

You tried to go after her but you were coughing uncontrollably. You started to cough out blood.

You said barely able to speak,"Sis you were right my luck just did run out." You hit the floor

Not to bad dream of past

You are out on the street starving you decided that it was the best for you and your sister to run away from you abusive parents you were in an ally way that is when a guy named merdock adopted you and your sister and trained you and taught your sister.

Dream Over

You slowly opened your eyes which were confronted by a bright light,you said silently to yourself, "Looks like my luck hasn't run out yet".

Overwatch Tracer x Bounty hunter readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin