Chapter Eight: It's not what I want

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Hours and hours and hours of training ended after the sun set. Everyone gathered in the living room eating pizza and enjoying being able to lay on their asses. Lillian walked in after straightening up outside. Everyone turned to her and she smiled, "Alright I'm done torturing you all for the day. You're free to go." She turned around, getting ready to leave but stopped after Stefan said, "Wait, aren't you going to tell everyone the rest of your plan?" 

Stefan was lucky looks could not kill. 

"I did," Lillian replied through gritted teeth.

"No you only told them why you were training them," Stefan argued.

"Drop it, Stefan," Lillian growled.

"Drop what?" Bonnie asked. 

"Oh just the details of Lillian's genius plan," Stefan said, his voice dowsed with sarcasm.

"Well what are they?" Matt and the others turned to look at Lillian expectantly.

When Lillian made no move to speak Stefan spoke up, "Oh just that she plans to leave-,"

"Stefan can I speak to you outside?"

"You're leaving?" Caroline rose from the couch and crossed her arms with mixed emotions splayed across her face. Then everyone spoke out at once. 

"What? You can't leave!" Elena protested. 

"What the hell do you mean? Stefan what does she mean?" Bonnie asked.

"Why are you leaving?" asked Matt.

"Where are you even planning to go? Back to New York? Is that why you're training us, so you can feel better about abandoning us?" Caroline shot off with the most questions, firing up everyone else. 

"Can everyone shut up!" Lillian yelled over the chaos. Everyone quieted down and looked at her.  

"Yes I am leaving," she confirmed angrily, "but not because I want to, not because I'm abandoning you, but because I care about you all. I came down here to stop my sister but there are bigger things out there I have to worry about, your safety included. The plan is to go over your strengths and weaknesses tomorrow and then go over the rest of the details tomorrow night. After that I'm going off the grid, but I'll be constantly moving. Klaus can't do anything without all four doppelgängers present so if I leave it can buy time. Chances are he'll come looking for me and by the time he finds me it will be too late to break the curse. "

"But when he finds you he's going to kill you!" Bonnie exclaimed. Lillian looked down and swallowed, and then looked back at Bonnie with a poker face, "You let me worry about that." 

"Lillian take it from someone who has been Klaus-bait numerous times, it does not end well," Caroline said.

"Again, let me worry about that."

"What would you do if one of us tried to do what you're doing?" Elena jumped in.

"That's different-,"

"How?" Elena asked in a sharp tone.

"Because I was brought here to protect you not the other way around!"

"Well thats not how it works with us. We're all like a family and you're apart of that and family protects family."

"Give it up Elena, nothing you or anyone else says is going to make me change my mind," Lillian replied, crossing her arms and glaring at Elena with determination.

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