Chapter Two: Old Friend

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"Stefan," Lillian gasped. "Hi," he said again. To say Lillian was shocked would be an understatement. How was he even here? She heard his heart stop beating back in 1864. Questions raced through her mind. How are you alive? Where have you been? What have you been up to? Then something clicked. He was a vampire.  "Oh my God Stefan I can't believe that you're alive!" she cried as she threw her arms around him. Back in 1864, when Damon and Katherine were together, Stefan and Lillian would play cards, or ride horses, or taste wines their father kept in his cellar. Needless to say they built a close friendship. Stefan chuckled and hugged the girl back, "I'm glad to see you too." They pulled away and Lillian looked at him feeling a bit awkward and then she looked down and whispered, "Are you a vampire?"

"Yes," he replied seeming a bit awkward, "You're sister's blood was in our systems when we died."

"We?" Lillian's head popped up and a familiar name rang through her head. A name she never wanted to hear again.

"Would you like to get some coffee?" Stefan asked, avoiding her question. "Yeah, sure."

It didn't take long for them to get to the café. They didn't take a cab because that alone would take up time, and it was only a five-minute walk. As they reached their destination, Lillian just grabbed a table for two on the patio and a waitress was there within seconds, taking their orders. Lillian recognized the waitress from her other visits. Her name was Lisa and she had shoulder length red hair and brown doe eyes. "Oh hi Lillian! Who's your friend?" she asked casually, pulling out her ticket pad and pen. "Hey Lisa. This is an old friend, we go way back," Lillian introduced the two. Stefan just smiled up at her and she returned it politely. "So what can I get for you?" Lisa asked. "Well I'll just take my usual and whatever he wants," Lillian said. Stefan looked up to the waitress and said, "Black coffee please." She wrote it down then scurried off to the kitchen.

The two just sat there, avoiding eye contact for a little bit. It was painfully awkward to say the least. This painful silence went on for about a few minutes until Lillian finally spoke up. "So how are you? What brings you my door step of all places?" she inquired as the waitress brought them coffees.

"Well, unfortunately I'm not here for pleasure. Your sister has been causing some trouble for my friends and me and I just," he trailed off. Lillian raised her eyebrows at the mention of her sister. Even after all this time she still has the hots for Stefan.

Stefan hesitated. This wasn't exactly an easy question to ask. He's asking her to kill the only family she has left, for god's sake!

"Come on Stefan, what is it?" Lillian pressed.

He coughed and then shifted around in his seat. Lillian just observed and sipped her coffee. "Okay I'm just going to come out say it," he sighed hesitating slightly, "I need your help killing Katherine."

Without thinking, Lillian burst out, "Yes!" Stefan looked at her with a shocked expression. He hadn't expected her to say yes so quickly or even at all for that matter. "Uhm okay. Great. Wow, I didn't expect you to be so eager," Stefan said. "Really? She abandoned me and left me in a tomb to rot, I'm anything if not eager to end this bitch's life," Lillian replied coldly. "Okay," Stefan stood and clapped his hands, "Can you meet me back here in two hours?"  She checked the time on her phone and hopped up from her seat, "Yeah sure. I need to pack anyways. How long will you need me for?"

"Uhm just a week or two although I want her dead as soon as possible she's plotting something and I want to know what it is," Stefan replied. "Okay cool. I'll see you in a few. Bye Stefan!" Lillian said as she placed money down on the table and then disappeared.


"Stefan's in New York?" Elena said into the phone. "Yep, apparently retrieving Katherine's sister," Damon replied. "Katherine has a sister? Wow, what's she like?" Elena asked feeling very intrigued. Last she knew Klaus had slaughtered all of Katherine's family long ago. Damon sighed sadly then mumbled, "I wish I got the chance to know." This confused Elena, "What's that supposed to mean? Didn't she live with you in 1864?" Damon blew threw his lips and groaned quietly, "She did but..." he trailed off.

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