Kind Of In Love With You [Minishaw]

Start from the beginning

"That's gross!" Tobi exclaimed. Harry smirked in response when the pair broke apart and Simon glared at the dark-haired boy.

Simon made his way over to the taxi, wiping his mouth. "Why does she have to drool so much?" he whined, causing Ethan to gag in response.

Vik grimaced. "That's grim, man."

After the Sidemen climbed into the taxi, with the exception of Josh who was still in the club with his girlfriend, and JJ who was waiting for Deji to give him a lift home. Harry leant his head against the side of the car. He zoned out of the conversation between Simon and Vik while Ethan was babbling on about how much he loves kittens.

Tobi slung an arm around Harry's shoulder when he got into the taxi. "You alright, man?" he grinned, the smell of alcohol on his breath. Harry wormed out of his grip nodding. Tobi shrugged at him sympathetically, and Harry just sighed before he rested his head back on the chair.

The taxi pulled out of the parking space and the driver put on the indicator to signal that he was turning. However, he failed to notice the car being driven by a clearly drunk driver approaching them at a rapid pace.

With a loud screech, the taxi lurched forwards. The front windscreen of the taxi smashed and the cursing driver clambered out of the car with his phone against his ear. Vik felt a sharp pain in his neck when his head flew forwards, before smashing against the car seat. "What the hell?" he exclaimed.

He glanced frantically at a pale looking Ethan, and Tobi, who was clutching his shoulder, blood dripping down his arm. "Aw, shit," Tobi groaned.

"You alright, man?" Vik muttered.

Tobi shook his head. "Fuck, it hurts," he whined. "At least this is an excuse to get breakfast in bed, right?" He asked hopefully. Vik rolled his eyes about to reply, but was cut off by a sobbing Simon. "Harry? HARRY!" he was on the verge of tears, "HARRY!"

Simon seemed unharmed; he had a few scratches on his arms from the glass. He was leaning over Harry with a horrified expression on his face. "HARRY! HARRY, WAKE UP YOU IDIOT, WAKE UP!" He cupped the sides of Harry's face, stroking his cheeks with his thumbs.

Pain shot up Vik's leg when he shuffled across the seats, yet he gritted his teeth and ignored it. He dusted the sharp pieces off Harry's limp body and cradled his arm, pressing against his wrist in an attempt to find a pulse. Nothing. Where the fuck were the paramedics?

Simon was absolutely hysterical, he continued to mutter Harry's name, and was running his fingers through Harry's blood-matted hair.

"Simon," Vik begged, "Simon, calm down. Come on, Si, breathe."

The older lifted his head and glared at Vik. "Calm down? How the fuck am I supposed to calm down? He could be dying, dead, and there's nothing I can do about it," his voice cracked. "I can't lose him, I never told him."

Vik smiled sadly, knowing what Simon was trying to say. It was obvious that him and Harry had some kind of connection – it's just the way that they look at each other with so much adoration, it's obvious that Simon likes him a little more than just as a friend. The fact that Simon had literally begged him to set him up with a girl topped it all off.

Simon had Harry cuddled into his chest, and was mumbling something into the younger boy's ear, rocking him back and forth, while nuzzling his face into Harry's hair. It was heart-breaking for Ethan, Tobi and Vik to see their friend in such a state. Simon hated seeing Harry in so much pain when Josh had thrown a football at his head during Cal Freezy's Blindfolded Penalties video, let alone this.

"It's my's all my fault..." Simon spoke quietly, his words hardly audible. "Harry," Simon sobbed, clutching his cold hand tighter. "Please...wake up...I...I can't live without you..." tears rolled down his cheeks and dropped onto the back of his hand and onto Harry's face.

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