Chapter 1: Her Butler, One Hell of a Kind

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"Lady Elizabeth, the dinner is prepared."

"Well then, let's continue this game later. Baron Descares."

I just gave a smirk.


I simply gave him a glare by hearing that word. Tch.

"N-no I mean, a Kid who always impress their guest! That is the Midford's hospitality."

After this game, let's see who will be the loser.


"The night is beautiful isn't it Lady Elizabeth?" the Baron asked me. There's no wonderful in the evening especially when you are with a traitor.


We are still continuing the game my Late Fiancee has taught me. I'm still bored.

"There. Five. I would like to suggest if you would make me one of the five general knigh--"

"Lost your legs in the Forest of Despair. I'm unlucky. It's your turn again."

"A-- Well... Alright."

He spinned the dice and it turned out to be four.


"Wait. It'll be two."

"Why Milady?"

"You lost your legs in the forest, right? You can't walk easily when your legs weren't with you."

"Is there any way to get back my legs?"


"Once a thing was lost, it will never return to you once again."

i gave him the most terrifying smile that I have and snatch his pawn away from his hand.

"Fall down to the Well of Hell."

Then I looked at him. Based from what I have seen, he's already terrified.

"Pardon me Milady. Will you excuse me, can I go outside?"

"You may go."

Then he goes out of the room.


"Milady is there a problem?" my butler asked me. I don't feel this game interesting. It feels boring.

"Nah. I'm just tired. Where's our guest?"

"Still outside Milady. I think he is talking to someone outside."

Wonderful. Now, let's finish this one hell of a game.

"I see. Be sure to give him the best Midford Hospitality. Make sure that it will make him satisfy and make this day memorable for him. Do you understand?"

I just gave him my devilish smile and a glare. He knows what I meant. He just smiled back.

"Yes, my Lady."

Let's see who will win this game of yours, Baron Peter Descares.


Third Person's POV

Her Butler, in Love with his Mistress ( A Black Butler Fanfiction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя