Jack winced and closed his eyes for a second. "Yes sir, but I still won't tell you anymore." 

Pattisson got himself quickly back under control and gazed measuringly at the man in front of him. Something was not adding up. Alexander was not being defiant or provocative, he was behaving with quiet dignity. He had already confessed to talking out of turn, why on Earth wouldn't he give him the details? He stood up, "Alright then, I'll leave you here to reconsider. I'll see you again later." 

He gestured to Chan and they both left the room, locking the door behind them. The Major paused for a minute, watching the monitoring screen on the wall outside the room. He saw Alexander sit there for a minute, two minutes, then fold his arms on the table and bury his face in them.  


Major Pattisson went to pay the Captain a visit. 

Captain Ivanov was a small man, he must have just scraped in above the minimum height requirement, with brown eyes and brown hair which he wore tied back in a ponytail. He looked up enquiringly as Pattisson flashed his ID at the door and entered. "How did it go, sir? Any leads you can pursue? Sorry, please have a seat!" 

Pattisson flopped down in the seat opposite and rubbed his eyes. "I don't know! He wouldn't talk to me." 

"What?" asked the Captain, startled. "Jack wouldn't talk to you?" 

"He gave me some prepared speech about how he had picked up Ryan at a bar and then refused to tell me anything else. I've got nothing I can use." He paused a minute, "With the possible exception that Alexander now thinks, looking back, that Ryan might have been the one to instigate the pickup. Which would mean what - that someone was following Alexander or expected him to turn up at the Purple Heart? How would anyone know he would have information? It doesn't quite make sense, does it?" 

Ivanov frowned as he listened closely to what Pattisson was saying. 

"What can you tell me about him, Alexander I mean? I noticed you seemed surprised when he confessed." 

"Yes. Well until that moment I would have said he was the last person to do something like that. He told you he's an om?" 

Pattisson nodded. 

"He's always been very discreet about it. He's friendly and gets on well with the rest of the crew but most men on the ship would not be aware of his sexuality, he's never had a relationship with anyone on board to my knowledge. He's an excellent officer, competent, honest. What more can I say? I'd stake my life that he's got no criminal connection with the thieves, if he gave away information about the operation, I believe it happened the way he says." 

"If?" Pattisson pounced on the word. 

"I guess I'm still struggling with this. I trust ... trusted all my officers, but ... the leak occurred, that's a fact. I just have to come to terms with it." Ivanov frowned again. 

"What is it Captain? Something's bothering you." 

"I don't want to say anything yet, I might be completely on the wrong track. Would you like me to speak to Alexander? Do you think it would help?" 

"I think that would be a good idea Captain. I'd be very interested in your opinion. I'm like you, something is bothering me but I can't put my finger on it." 

Jack lifted his head when the Major came in. It looked as if he hadn't moved from his seat. 

"I've got a visitor for you." 

Jack couldn't help it, he looked up quickly, half hoping, half fearing it would be Marc. Both men noticed his face change subtly when he realised it was his Captain.  

"What's going on Jack?" Ivanov asked, jumping right in. 

"I'm sorry sir," apologised the Lieutenant, looking very uncomfortable. "I know I've let you down, but I can't tell you anything else." 

"I've threatened to have him flogged if he doesn't co-operate," Pattisson commented casually. 

Ivanov just stopped himself from reacting in time, there was no way one of his officers was going to be flogged without his authorisation, and waited. 

Alexander had dropped his eyes. "I'll take whatever you think I deserve sir," he said quietly. His situation was going from bad to worse but he couldn't see any way out. He had to stick to his story now, come what may. 

"Let's hope it doesn't come to that. In the meantime, I'll arrange for someone to bring you something to eat," Ivanov said, "but you'll have to stay here until the Major is satisfied you've told him everything he needs to know." Then they left him to it.

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