Can I Get Uhh, Explanation? ((wowza, yet another author's note, who knew??))

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Okay, so I know I have a LOT of explanation for all of y'all out here about this story. I'm gonna be honest and say I went to a dark place for a while and while in that state, I completely forgot about this story. How did I remember? I got an email notification now (which it is currently 1:30am for me) and I had the biggest "oh shit" moment in my life. So, I logged back into this old ass account and checked it out. Apperntly this has become super popular (uh, how though is my question?? It's actual trash and I can't stand reading it). But, that wasn't the part that made me type up this letter/note thingy. I saw how worried some of you guys were, and some even messaged my DMs. I felt SUPER bad so I knew I had to cough it up.

Usually when I wrote these I would say something like "wow guys, sorry I've been silent for like 2 months, but guess what??!?!?! tHERE'S M O R E!!1!1!!!" (Ew, yuck at me 3 years ago). Here's the truth though, I honestly had no fucking clue where the hell this story was going. It was like 4am and I was at my grandma's house (r.i.p grandma, I love you), and suddenly I got this idea like 3 years ago as my cringey as shit self clenched onto my pillow, hyperventilating in delight as I thought of demons making out. (Seriously, what the hell 13 year old me??) Sounds typical, right? Well, then I wrote those first two chapters in TWO hours, posted it, which were unedited, and then forgot about it the next week. That's when I lost track of the plot, hint to why it's so jacked up now, rip.

Anyways, my point is, I'm 16 now with no idea what the hell was going through my mind while writing this story and I still think I didn't know back then when I first typed it.


I feel so horrible for leaving everyone on the worst cliffhanger of their lives on this story that was probably gonna end up with everyone dead and fucking eachother (Lord if I know, that could've been seriously it. My 13 year old self had some issues). So, I thought I could remake this story to be something that actually makes logical sense to any human mind out there. If y'all are down for that, just leave a comment on this section saying "Ruth, you bastard, you fucking left me on read for so long, I better get my god damn story and see some gay ass people having at it after two fucking years, ya bitch" or "haha you're right, this sucks add dude so go kill it man, let it rest. Anything this awful deserves a better place to live than this".

So, uhhh, yeah, let me know in the comments about what you think and such. I'll also try to make a good plot and think it out for a while too, so just let me know! Thanks for reading :,)

Love, the worst author known to fucking any life form out there,

Ruth ;))))

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