“Shut up and kiss me.”

He smiled. “You’re so cliché sometimes.”

I let him kiss me. “Duh.”

I pulled him on top of me and shoved my hands up his shirt as he kissed my neck. I then just pulled it off of him. He laughed, but didn’t complain about it, and pulled mine off of me.

I hooked my arms around his neck and forced his lips to mine, forcing my tongue into his mouth. I pulled away slightly and kissed down his neck before biting his shoulder base. He did not need a hickey that was visible right now, no matter how funny it would be.

He responded by pulling me onto his lap and nipping at my ear. I smiled at him, then looked down at his chest and arms. So many scars…

“What’s wrong?” He asked me.

“All of your scars.”

“Some will fade.”

“But until then it’s a constant reminder of everything you’ve gone through.”

“Everything that’s made me stronger, everything that makes me me.”

“Well, when you put it that way—”

“I’m not ashamed of my scars. They’re my battle wounds. My way of saying that I survived.”

“I’m glad you survived, Tom.” I smiled, kissing his nose. “Maybe we should get your stuff together before my mom comes in to check on us, though.”

He laughed. “You’re probably right.”

We untangled ourselves and put our shirts back on, before scattering to collect all of Tom’s stuff.

“Hey, Joey?” Tom said after about ten minutes.

“Yeah?” I said, turning to smile at him.

“How can you just accept your dad like that after all these years?”

I scoffed. He wasn’t serious, was he? I looked into his eyes. He was. “You really think that I’m all about accepting him, don’t you?”

“Well, yeah…”

“Well, you’re partially right. I am accepting him into my life, but I really don’t have a choice, do I? I mean, as long as he’s around, I feel like I deserve to get to know him, but that doesn’t mean I’m any less angry at him.”


“Yeah, at him and my mom. Him because he walked out on me and never gave me the slightest chance to see if I could accept him for the way he was and my mom for not telling me all of the story.”

“Huh.” Tom said, placing a shirt into his bag and zipping it shut.

“Maybe,” I said, wrapping my hands around his waist. “You could try to accept Kenny into your life again.”

“No, he’s in my past. Besides, he was completely bullshitting everyone today.”


“That story he told you all, it was all a lie.”

“What do you mean?”

He looked turned and looked down at me with a sad smile. “I remember everything, seeing him triggered it all.”

“What did happen?”

“Jessica was cheating on him with Phil. I found out and said that I’d tell Kenny. She said that if she got to him first, she’d tell him otherwise. She got to him first.”

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2011 ⏰

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