Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine


His life is falling apart.

He hasn’t said anything about it, but I can tell. His eyes don’t sparkle. They’re dully, empty. It scares the living shit out of me. He barely eats; barley sleeps. When he talks you can tell that he fakes his emotions, or at least I can. When he kisses me, the passion isn’t there.

Tom’s living here, in my house. He sleeps on my couch, he watches TV with me and plays card games with Molly. He sits next to me when we eat. He kisses my forehead and wishes me sweet dreams before we sleep. He whispers that he loves me. But I miss him.

I want my Tom back, damn it.

“Joey?” He asked. “Are you feeling okay?”

It’s Tuesday afternoon and we’re sitting on my couch watching RENT because I love that movie. I look up to his now dull eyes and force myself to smile. Reaching up, I smooth out the worry line in his forehead.

“I’m fine.” I say and he smiles a little. He turns back to the TV screen and I do the same before starting to pout.

He puts his arm around me and I restrained myself from jumping on top of him and hugging him until all his worries go away, but I can’t. He’s that loner again.

“Joey, why are you pouting?”

“I’m not.”


“Am not.”

“Are too.”

“Am not!”

“Are too!”



I am not!”

“Forget it.” He says, standing up.

“Where are you going?” I asked.

“I’m not having this argument with you.” He said. “When you decide to start acting your age, call me and I’ll come back.”

“Tomas.” I said.


And then he walked out the door. He walked out of the fucking door. Oh no he didn’t!

I jumped up and walked out of the apartment, slamming the door. The elevator door closed and started going up. It didn’t stop until it reached the twelfth floor, then started going down again.

It’s doors opened and I ran on, startling the lady in there. I pushed the twelfth floor button. We went down to the lobby and then up to the twelfth floor.

I ran off of the elevator, then looked around. There wasn’t anyone to be seen, so I started walking around each apartment. If Tom was around, I’d find him.

I was about to give up when I saw that the door to the roof was being propped open with a shoe. Tom’s shoe. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the door. I opened in and started up the two flights of stairs. When I got to the next door, I saw Tom’s other shoe propping it open.

I slid off my own shoes so I wouldn’t make a sound, then opened the door and started to walk out. I saw Tom sitting on the ground with his elbows propped up on the safety edge around the building. His phone rang, and he hurriedly answered it.

“Hello? Hey dad, how are you? I’m good. How’s Zoey? Another boyfriend? Jezz. How’s Mason? Did mom give him any trouble?” He said.

“Yeah, I know you told me she already forgave him. I know. I just wanted to check on him. How is mom? I’m good dad. I am. I promise.”

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