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Laura's POV

Okay, so right now I'm walking back to my room and as I go in I see Cole's hand on his face.

I took a bowl of ice cream and groaned while i sat next to Cole. "Ughhhh what did you do now?"

He sighed "She hates me Laura"

I rubbed his back "You don't know that"

He shook his head and took a deep breath.

"Come on let's get ready to go" I told him reaching my hand for him to grab it.

"I don't feel like going anywhere"

"Nope you're going wether you like it or not. Today is gonna be fun and you're not going to ruin it by being sad" I said.

"I really fucked up this time Laura" He said.

I bent down to his height and grabbed his face "Listen to me, today you're going to get drunk and have fun I don't care how sad you are you're going to enjoy today. Find a way to entrain yourself"

He nodded.

"Good now when I come back you better be ready" I said leaving.

I walked to Dove and Selena's room and knocked.

"If it's not Laura then stay out" Selena yelled.

"Well then open the door" I yelled back.

The door opened and I saw dove crawled up on her bed crying her eyes out.

"Dove get up" I said.

"Laura she's hurting right now go softer on her" Selena said.

"Yeah because that's going to help her so much. She can't have people treating her soft because then she's going to adapt to that and when she has people who aren't as soft her feelings are gonna be hurt so Dove get up" I said.

She stood up and her eyes were swollen.

"Oh sweetie" I said wiping her tears.

She cried more into my hand.

"Listen to me, boys are shit they're always going to hurt you no matter how many times they promise it. But it's up to you how you handle it because at the end of the day you're going to have yourself and your girls who support you no matter what you do. What I'm not gonna support is you sitting around bawling your eyes out because of some stupid guy he might be my bestfriend but all types of boys are stupid and they do stupid shit that's just a thing boys do it's nothing intentional but that's just them. So today what you're gonna do is get drunk and dance until you pass out. Okay?" I asked her.

She nodded smiling weakly.

"Good now get ready" I said.

She went to her suitcase and started picking out she clothes.

"Damn Laura" Selena said.

"Can't go soft on her" I said shrugging.

She laughed and put her arm around my neck.

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