"Dad, do you think me and Alex can have a sleepover on Friday night? He got a new video game and I wanted him to bring it over so we could play it." Ezra asked me. I had to keep the questions I really wanted to ask my son about his friend a bit more because Zayn has told me when he goes to pick up the boys, those two are always holding hands. The times I have picked them up, I saw it too but never really asked.

"You definitely can. Just make sure his parents know about this too and schedule a time. Is it just you both, or are Peter and Nathan coming too?" I asked, just to see my son's reaction so I could read off of it. His tan cheeks blushed, but his blue eyes never left the television.

"Nathan is going out of town and Peter has a thing with his grandparents, so it's just us." Ezra responded. I smiled because I was slowly discovering who my son had a crush on. Maybe he didn't know it, but it was written all over his face. Honestly, I could care less, just as long as they both just share the innocence of a first crush and never grow up because this is too cute to watch.

"Let's go make sure Baba and Ethan haven't burnt down the kitchen." I told him. We both went to the kitchen and found Ethan siting on the counter sprinkling chocolate chips on one of the pancakes while Zayn was also making some scrambled eggs. Ezra got some of the chocolate chips to eat then helped his little brother off the counter so they could both get some plates. I flipped the pancake over and smacked Zayn's bum before going over to get the milk out. Zayn turned to make sure our sons were busy before making a crude gesture with his mouth toward me. I laughed and went over to attack him. That ended poorly, with me back against a counter and Zayn's lips on mine.

"Gross..." Ethan muttered. We looked at our kids and saw Ezra seemed happy to see his parents happy while Ethan had a look on his face that I'm sure Zayn has given me a few times when I try new recipes. I went over to kiss him up while Zayn got the last pancake on the stack of them.

"Baba, help me!" Ethan cried when I picked him up and begin to blow raspberries on his tummy. Zayn laughed then came up behind me to begin tickling me. I set down Ethan before I dropped him because I couldn't handle when Zayn trickled me at all.

All of us got our plates with pancakes and scrambled eggs then went to sit on the couch in the living room. This was kind of our Sunday tradition. We all stay lazy all morning until Zayn gets up to work out and the boys have to do do their homework. Just recently though, Ezra has been working out with Zayn so I get some more one on one time with Ethan to work on his reading skills. He's not great at reading, but he loves it. So I try to keep encouraging him to read more so he can get better. It's mainly reading out loud that throws him off.

Once breakfast was over, the day went on how it normally does. Ethan and Ezra both worked out with Zayn so I made myself busy by making a grocery list so I could go shopping while all my boys were entertained. We only needed a new things, so I figured it would be a fast trip to the store. I went down the hall to the workout room and found Zayn bench pressing Ethan. He looked over at me and smiled, still holding Ethan in the air.

"I'm going to go to the grocery store. Do you need anything?" I asked him. He mumbled that he needed some more shaving cream so I put that on my list before going upstairs to put on jeans instead of sweats and style my hair.

When I got to the store, I looked around to make sure there wasn't anyone following me. The coast was clear so I went inside the grocery store to get my shopping cart. There were a few people that turned to look at me then continue to mind their own business. Some tall man helped me reach a bag to put my celery in, then waited around like I was supposed to do more than just say thank you. I ran my fingers through my hair, showing off my wedding ring. It worked the way I wanted it to because he left me alone after that. I made a mental note to tell Louis about that because I thought it was funny. Zayn would hurt the man down and kill him so I couldn't tell him that, but I could tell my best friend.

The Rematch (Ziall Horlik)AU M-PregWhere stories live. Discover now