She was 7 years old. There was a fight and her sister was hurt in the struggle between two protectors. Her sisters were younger; one 6 and the other 5. Her name doesn't really matter, she'll have changed it several times before she tells her story, but for now we'll call her Poet. Poet's sisters will be Rain(6) and Sky(5).

  The fight before her will unwittingly haunt her for years, but what 7 year old Poet didn't know is that her life will get far worse then just a fight between the two people that were supposed to protect her and her sisters.

-x- Only Months Later -x-

  Poet's mother, we'll call her Sorrow, is remarried to a man. This man will have a very big impact on young Poet's life. His name shall be Misery; for this is what he caused them all.

   Poet sits up one night to strange voices she hears coming from the living room and decides to investigate. Of course only being 7 and still groggy from being awoken so suddenly the investigation uncovers very little. Only that there are four people, the only two she recognises are Sorrow and a man she will come to know as Misery.
   Stumbling back to bed before Sorrow spots her she realizes she has seen the strange man before, and shes right. Misery is the man that shouted at her, her sisters, and their friend not only a week before. As many know children are excellent judges of character, and Poet had instanly disliked this strange man near her or Sorrow.

   Sadly Sorrow will take her concerns as young rebelion to a new man in her life after the haunting fight between her mother and father (we'll call her father Kindness) and the divorce.
Most people's parents are divorced so Poet thought nothing of it and never spoke of the fight because Sorrow said it was normal.

   This, my friends is the start of a very long and sad tale of Poet, her sisters, their depression, and growing repercussions of an unfair hand being delt to them in life.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2017 ⏰

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