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Red. His favorite lipstick color on your was red. A deep red that looked amazing against your skin tone. When you wore it he felt weak to his knees. He'd stare at your lips all night as you talked, ate, and even just breathed. When your lips turned into a smirk, catching him staring at them he thought he was going to lose it. You pressed and sweet, innocent kiss to his cheek before going to whisper in his ear. "Stop staring, you're a little to obvious," you whispered. He licked his lips as he thought about his lips on yours, but knew he had to wait until you were at least in the car.
Tubes. They were all lined up in perfect order on your vanity. They looked new and clean, which is how you liked it. You were very protective over the tubes of lipstick you had. Michael knew this, and tried to never mess them up. However, one day he had accidentally knocked into your vanity causing them to roll all over the place, and out of order. He panicked and tried to put them back in order, but it didn't seem like it was going to happen. So, he left the mess and drove out to the nearest makeup store. He bought a ton of lipsticks, and came home to see you standing over the mess pissed. He apologized, so many times, and handed you his gift. You just grinned and placed a kiss on his cheek, leaving a lipstick stain.

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