He Accidentally Makes You Cry

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He'd planned it out perfectly. From the cover plot he'd developed with your best friend to the clearing in the park he'd spent the afternoon decorating with the boys, he was ready to finally admit he loved you.
You've both known for months you were in love with your counterpart, but somehow you've never managed to word your feelings. But now Calum's determined he'll admit how he feels, even if you don't reciprocate his love.
By the time your best friend has managed to drag you to the park after making some dumb excuse about wanting to smell the flowers, you're feeling fed up. All you want to do is go back home and cuddle Calum but no, instead you're waiting in a park for her to sniff flowers...
Calum hears your grumbling before he sees you and quickly checks everything's perfect. He's sitting on a picnic rug, fairy lights strung through the trees (thanks to Michael balanced on Luke's shoulders) and a guitar perched on his hip.
"Calum?" Your eyes widen in shock as they settle on the impressive set up. Your best friend pushes you towards him and shoots you a wink before turning and running off. "What is this?" You wonder aloud and he beckons you forwards. You sit down on the blanket and watch as his fingers nervously fiddle with the neck of the guitar. "A thing. Now if you'll be quiet I will begin." It dawns on you he's about to serenade you and you quickly shut your mouth, excitement coursing through your veins.
The opening chords to Vapour drift through your ears and you rest back on your hands. Calum's melodic voice combined with the sweet birdsong and the dimming evening amount to a perfect moment you wish would last forever. Calum's voice has always been one of your favourite things and the fact that he's singing one of your favourite songs only adds to the specialness.
As it fades out you see Calum gulp, a new nervousness filling his features as his surprisingly clammy hands link with yours. "I had a speech planned out but now I think that's stupid so I'll just come out and say it." He hesitates and you squeeze his hands in reassurance, unsure of the direction the conversation is about to take.
"I love you, Y/N, and I have for a while. You don't need to say it back but I though you should know."
You gulp and feel a familiar prickling sensation spotting across your eyes. You're forced to loosen your grip on Calum's hand as the tears begin to fall onto your shirt. Your sniffles are only partially muffled after your turn around to shield your crumbling self from your boyfriend.
"Baby please don't cry..." Calum moves closer and tries to comfort you. "If you don't feel the same way it's okay! I don't expect you to say it back and I understand you might not-" You cut him off by turning your head to crash your lips against his, the salty water slowly evaporating as you melt into his lips.
"I feel the same way." You breathe softly as you pulls back, Calum's strong hands resting on your sides as he cocks his head to the side. "Why were you crying then?" He asks, confusion evident in his voice. "I never thought you'd say them and now I'm really happy." You admit bashfully as his shoulders instantly relax. "Well... I do. Quite a lot, actually." He reiterates slowly, a little hesitantly as your finger moves up to trace his lips.
"I love you too, Cal."
You've always been fragile around that time of the month but strangely you also find yourself getting extremely competitive, making a competition out of everything whether it be xBox, making dinner or dancing. You always have to win.
"Mikey?" His eyes flicker up to you as you stretch out across the couch, "Hmm?" You slowly shuffle up the leather cushions until you're perched atop his lap. "Wanna play xBox?" You pull out the controllers you've been holding behind your back and Michael sighs, switching off his phone and moving his hands so they're resting on your shoulders.
"Do you promise you won't get upset if I beat you? You remember what happened last time..." You shudder at the memory of the last game you both played a month ago which ended not only in your tears but his also. "That was a fluke! And I feel fine, I just really want to play a game with you." The slight curl of your bottom lip seems to convince him and he shrugs, taking one of the controllers and slotting it between his hands.
"Best of three?" You suggest as he begins setting up the match. "Sounds good." You slip off his lap and rest your side against his arm as you wait for the game to load, the occasional stabbing pains coming from your abdomen fading as adrenaline floods your bloodstream.
The first match is relatively even with both of you scoring high. But unfortunately it's Michael who ends the round celebrating, a disgruntled pout fixing itself to your lips as you huff. "It must have been luck..." You mutter under your breath as he grins and pokes your cheek. "Sure, sure. You still have another game to redeem yourself babe, don't worry."
Halfway through the next match your hands begin to shake and a lump forms at the back of your throat. You can sense you're close to losing and this only adds to the building emotion. However it's Michael's small comment of, "Y/N that was an easy shot!" that sends you over tipping point.
The polished controller slips through your fingers as you pull your knees to your chest and bury your face in your hands. "Pretending to cry won't make me go easy baby, I deserve to win this." He continues to shoot zombies, eyes fixed on the screen instead of his crying girlfriend beside him.
After a while of muffled sobs leaking from your body, Michael finally seems to realise you're really crying. His eyebrows furrow together and he immediately pauses the game before rising to his feet and walking from the room. He searches around to find what he's looking for before re-entering the living room a few minutes later.
"Oh, Y/N..." His arms pull your hands from your face and slowly uncurl your legs from your chest. You try to give him a watery smile but find your bottom lip trembling even more. "Stay still." Michael orders as he wraps a soft blanket around your shoulders and sits beside you on the couch, pulling you into him.
His fingertips dance across your dainty skin as slowly, but surely, the sobs leaving your chapped lips lessen. He swipes under your eyes to remove the salty residue and cradles you into his chest. After scattering soft kisses across your forehead he pulls back to smile sadly at your fragile figure.
"Feeling better now?" You nod as a small blush works its way across your cheeks. "A lot. 'M sorry Mikey, I shouldn't have suggested it." You murmur before burying your face in his clothed chest. Michael only shakes his head and rubs small circles around your back. "I've learnt my lesson now, never again will I let you play xBox whilst you're bleeding." You chuckle as you nod. "That's probably a good idea...."

Malum Preferencesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें