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(mrsbartralona) is online

You: whatever ur doing stop

You: helllooo

You: fine, imy. is that what u want me to say?

You: antoine

- you have disconnected -

Carmen sighed, tossing her phone behind her, then letting herself fall backwards and trusting that she'd land on her bed.

For Carmen, things had been going well. She was happy most days and always found something to occupy herself with, but the spark of excitement was missing. Antoine was absent from each day.

"Foreverfernando" hadn't been online in quite some time, not even to check the messages constantly sent by Carmen, which was odd considering Antoine was always glued to his phone.

The bright light forced Carmen to shield her eyes as she emerged from the cave, also known as her room. The rest of her apartment was well lit, but for some reason Carmen liked to keep the curtains in her bedroom drawn to create a darkness that took over the room.

The random disappearance of Antoine stirred up a handful of emotions and brought forth a ton of negative thoughts. She wondered if something terrible had happened to him and she had yet to find out. Or worse, what if she wasn't good enough for him? Was she bad when they spent the night together in Germany?

Carmen violently shook that last thought out of her head. She knew that he enjoyed himself because Antoine even said it. He even teased her about it in their recent conversations. But given the circumstances, her mind was far from positive and any thought seemed reasonable.

Carmen had set up a lunch date with Sofia, since she was lucky enough to clear her schedule and visit for the weekend. They met downtown at a small café to catch up with each other.

"Sofia, I need your help," Carmen started, "You've been my friend for who knows how long and I need some advice."

"This sounds serious," she put down her small sandwich to pay more attention to what her friend was saying.

Carmen took a moment to calm herself down because she was aware that big news shocked her friend. She looked to Sofia for her approval to continue before exposing what she had kept hidden from everyone, "I may or may not have been talking to a football player."

"Wait, stop right there, honey. You what?!"

Carmen was fortunate enough to have a friend who was also a fan of football, so she could talk about issues like this and have Sofia follow along and understand.

"I didn't know at first, it was just—the site I won the tickets off of."

"Which player?!"

Carmen could tell that Sofia was dying to know which player would waste their time on a stupid chat website, so she didn't take long to answer, as that would be cruel to leave her in suspense. "Antoine Griezmann."

Sofia rolled her eyes while the excitement drained from from her face, "Since when were you an Atletico fan, Car?"

"Since Antoine Griezmann."

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