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Contact between Antoine and Carmen had been limited up until the final because of how important it was. The whole Atletico team took the time to mentally prepare for a challenging game ahead.

Carmen could not attend the match, so she sat at home and watched while wearing the jersey Fernando had given her. She so was nervous for Antoine. Fernando told her that he'd be fine after seeing her, but she still questioned the state of the talented footballer mainly because they still weren't speaking like they used to.

The goal was to piece him back together, but what if during the process she was the one who fell apart?

The thought that killed her every time it entered her head was the possibility of another woman. She didn't want to imagine his hands holding her tight or running across her smith skin. She didn't want to see her smelled against his lips if she ever unexpectedly ran into him. She was afraid because she knew his crystal blue eyes could easily lure any girl into his bed.

(mrsbartralona) is online

You: good luck <3

The game had begun and the two close friends were playing alongside each other. Surely an attack that strong would lead to some goals from Antoine and Fernando.

Early into the first half, a Real Madrid goal sent Carmen to walk away from the tv. The build up of emotions only became worse after that Sergio Ramos goal. Antoine's actions told her that he was fed up as he fired shots right into the keeper's hands. It was out of anger and the reaction of throwing his hands up into the air further proved that. His head wasn't completely in the game, being caught offside and not connecting with the ball to get away the perfect shot. Half time left both Carmen and Antoine to collect their thoughts and cool down.

Watching Barcelona games drew out a different bunch of emotions, but none as intense as the feelings she was experiencing now. She had confidence in her team with the combination of Messi, Suarez, and Neymar. However, watching Atletico was much more unknown as she was unfamiliar with their style of play.

Carmen's attention was brought back to the game when she saw Fernando on the ground and Antoine stepping up to the penalty spot. With a gifted opportunity like this, all Atletico fans knew they could turn things around. They put their trust into the left foot of Antoine Griezmann as he sent a powerful shot to the net. The play almost moved in slow motion. All viewers watched as the ball travelled up from the ground and struck the crossbar, bouncing away from goal. The missed penalty stunned everyone, even the players on the field looked to be caught off guard.

The minutes of the second half counted down. Real Madrid had far more chances, coming so close to scoring after beating the goalkeeper, but luckily an Atletico Madrid player stopped the ball from crossing the line. With ten minutes left, Carmen began to lose hope until the substitute (also the player who surprisingly remembered her), Yannick Carrasco, put one in for Atletico. She caught sight of Antoine, with a smile so big, celebrating his teammates goal.

Extra time was pure hell for Carmen. Her heartbeat raced and she prayed that Atletico created a goal. Antoine was seen putting in a ridiculous amount of effort, even throwing himself in the air trying to perform a bicycle kick to send the ball back into the net.

All attempts however were unsuccessful and penalties would decide the championship.

When Antoine placed the ball at the spot for the second time, Carmen lost it. She only wanted for him to score. Luckily, this time, he did. All was well until the fourth penalty taken by Atletico Madrid hit the post; and it was no shocker that Cristiano Ronaldo scored his penalty to rip the Champions League dream away from the Atletico Madrid team, along with his jersey as the shirtless superstar celebrated with his team.

(mrsbartralona) is online

You: r u ok?

(foreverfernando) is online

foreverfernando: no

You: don't beat urself up about it

foreverfernando: how can i not?!

foreverfernando: i should've fucking scored that penalty

You: it was unlucky and we all know that. it has nothing to do with how good u r

foreverfernando: i obviously suck if i can't even scored from less than eighteen yards away from the net

You: but u proved u could

foreverfernando: by then it was too late!

foreverfernando: i lost the game for them

You: it's a team sport u can't take all the heat

foreverfernando: well out of everyone, i fucked it up the most

foreverfernando: u don't get it, i had the game basically handed to me and i couldn't win it for my team

You: even great players like u make mistakes

foreverfernando: if ur trying to make me feel better, it's not worth it

foreverfernando: i should've done better but rn i don't want to fucking talk about it

You: antoine

You: please just relax

You: i'm here for u, so just let me help

foreverfernando: if u knew what was best, you'd leave me alone

foreverfernando: i'm sorry, carmen, but can u just go away

- foreverfernando has disconnected -

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