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On the day of the match, Carmen awoke early that morning, despite hardly getting any rest due to her excitement building up throughout the long and painful night.

Everything was all sorted out the night before, including her Marc Batra jersey and black skinny jeans that were ripped at the knees.

While putting on a dark red lipstick, Carmen answered the phone to hear her closest friend shouting through the other end of the line, "I literally can't believe you won tickets off that stupid site! This is unreal!"

"Not so stupid afterall, is it?" Carmen laughed into the phone with a huge smile plastered across her face. In all honesty, her best friend was right. It really was unbelievable to win a pair of tickets for a Champions League match.

"Guess not. I'll pick you up in twenty minutes?"


"See you then."

Carmen quickly fixed up her sleep deprived self in the short time that remained. Grabbing the tickets from the counter, she locked up her apartment and set off to find Sofia in the parking lot below.

"Long time no see, señorita! You look great, by the way," Carmen winked.

The two close friends, separated by distance, embraced for the first time in months. Sofia had moved away for school, but the two girls kept in touch and shared the same passion for the sport and team they both loved.

Arriving at the stadium was pretty hectic. Not to mention finding a spot to park. She knew that there must have been over fifty thousand fans trying to get into the Vincente Calderón Stadium at this moment. With Sofia's impatience, she shoved people out of the way and dragged the two of them to their seats.

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Carmen strung together a series of Spanish curse words after Barcelona missed another chance. Other fans around had similar reactions of frustration because Atletico were pressing hard and there was the threat of them scoring a crucial goal.

Not even a moment later, the majority of the stadium erupted while the visiting team's fans sank back down in their seats. The hard work by the home team paid off with a cross whipped into the centre for an unmarked Antoine Griezmann to head into the goal.

The blood running through her veins boiled with anger knowing that on aggregate, the score was 2-2. Griezmann's goal celebration in Carmen's eyes was seen as ridiculous and filled with stupidity as the man of the moment recreated Drake's "Hotline Bling". The Atletico fans however seemed to be loving it as the popular song was heard throughout the stands. Sofia rolled her eyes and made a face of disgust since she didn't have a liking towards the star player.

The game continued on and tension rose throughout the stadium as the ninetieth minute drew near. Carmen found herself chewing at her blue coloured nails that she had painted specifically for the match.

It felt like the whole game was placed on pause when the referee called a handball in the box. Fans belonging to both teams stopped for a second, not knowing what was to come as a result to this. Obviously a penalty, but it was what happens after the kick that counted.

Carmen knew that being in the last couple minutes, this would be the deciding kick. Her heart sunk when she saw that Griezmann was taking the kick. She was aware of his talent and knew that he was influential on the field by taking advantage of situations like this. Carmen went into this match thinking it was going to be a piece of cake with their striker, Fernando Torres, gone but boy was she wrong. Now she sat at the edge of her seat praying this last minute goal wouldn't be the death of Barcelona's Champions League dreams.

She almost missed the moment when the ball hit the back of the net because she couldn't believe what she was witnessing. The play itself seemed to travel in slow motion and Carmen sat so still she didn't even breath until the game had been decided. Sofia's face was blank and it matched Carmen's. It was safe to say most Barcelona fans were finding themselves in the same position and sharing similar emotions.

The whole Atletico Madrid team surrounded their man of the match and celebrated on the pitch. A glorious victory for them, but a devastating loss for the team that had its own place in Carmen's heart.

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You: nooooooo

You: i cry

(foreverfernando) is online

foreverfernando: i told u i'd win it

You: u did shit

foreverfernando: we'd oops

You: learn how to fucking spell

foreverfernando: jeez calm down

You: i'm not gonna calm down, don't tell me that

foreverfernando: ik it's upsetting to lose..... BUT AT LEAST WE CAME OUT ON TOP HAHA

You: shut up

foreverfernando: u like that?

foreverfernando: guess who's going to the finals?? not u!!


foreverfernando: and i said that i'd make sure we win

You: stop referring to urself when i already said u did shit. were u on the fucking field?

foreverfernando: i'm the one who lead my team to victory

You: ok antoine griezmann

You: fuck him

foreverfernando: u don't like him??!?!!?! how come!! ;(

You: he gets two easy goals and considered a superstar, when really he's nothing

foreverfernando: ouch. would u actually say that to him in person? i'm sure it'd hurt his feelings

You: fuck his feelings

foreverfernando: lanuage! :o

You: i should've just run on the field today and gave him a piece of my mind when i had the chance to

foreverfernando: wdym when u had the chance to

You: i'm done with this bullshit

- you have disconnected -

foreverfernando: wait carmen!

foreverfernando: were u at the game??

guess who's back? took some time off of everything to get back into the routine of school :/  but updates should become more frequent now !

Virtual Love | Antoine GriezmannWhere stories live. Discover now