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(foreverfernando) added you as a friend

5 new messages

thefootballman7: hey gurl, wyd ;)
- you have disconnected -

cristianoooo: you live in madrid?
- you have disconnected -

kingleo: i like 18 yr olds but I'm a grown man, is that ok with u?
- you have disconnected -

thewizardofozil: asl?
- you have disconnected -

madridistas: barca sucks

You: fuck off u twat
- you have disconnected -

Carmen sighed out of frustration and ran her hand through her tangled brown hair. It was irritating when her fingers caught in the knots, but she didn't take action towards brushing her hair. Instead, she sat comfortably behind the screen of her laptop—it being the only thing that lit the bedroom. It wasn't only her hair that was a mess, but her room seemed to match. Carmen would convince herself that the untidiness was acceptable and would return back to her laptop as if it was her drug and she was the addict.

She had joined "footballtalk.com" about a month ago and would get lucky from time to time and find a friend who wasn't totally annoying to talk to. The site had been her main companion over the past few weeks, helping entertain her whenever she was bored. It was rare to spot Carmen nowadays without her precious laptop nearby. She had found talking on the website so enjoyable that she downloaded the app to her phone and used it to her advantage to escape having to talk with people in social situations.

While lathering her hands with lavender scented soap after a quick bathroom break, she heard her laptop ding twice, indicating two notifications.

(foreverfernando) is online

foreverfernando: hello fellow football lover

Carmen hoped that this conversation wouldn't lead to the stranger throwing insults about her team or asking for nudes. Somehow, most conversations ended up like that. She prayed that this one go smoothly or else she'd have to start all over again and find a new stranger to chat with.

You: asl

foreverfernando: what????

You: age sex location, stupid

foreverfernando: ok u go

You: fine. 22 female madrid, ur turn

foreverfernando: male, but the rest... that's a secret ;)

You: even ur name

foreverfernando: yep but i wouldn't mine getting to know yours

You: man of mystery i see

foreverfernando: name?

You: why should i tell you?

foreverfernando: fair enough

foreverfernando: how come you don't like madrid?

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