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The early morning rays of sunshine peeked through the curtains of the hotel room, with the warmth of spring that crept across the covers. Their clothes from last night lay on the floor, a reminder of what had gone down. Carmen laid next to Antoine on her stomach, leaving him on his back to stare up at the ceiling. He was awake by now, but chose to lay there and not disturb the peace that existed in silence.

Even though the sheet only covered around his waist, leaving his legs and upper half exposed, Antoine didn't feel that way. He wasn't even bothered by the fact that he was naked and next to a girl he had just met; this situation had almost become normal for him. However, Antoine did feel a sense of guilt for knocking up a girl only hours after they first met. Sure he did it countless times before, but this time was unlike the rest. He actually felt something towards her and he wanted more than to just get into her pants. But his immature teenage boy habits resurfaced and Antoine found himself between the sheets and making love to yet another girl.

He couldn't help himself. He'd sworn to settle down since reaching his mid-twenties, but how could he hold back when she had a body like that? With her curves—a human representation of the world's most perfectly crafted mountains—and her caramel coloured eyes which reminded him of the autumn leaves. The little things like the faint freckles that dotted her face like constellations in the sky made Antoine swear everything apart of her was a gift from the heavens. In simpler terms, Carmen was a masterpiece.

When she finally awoke, she rested her head in the crook of his neck, snuggling closer. Antoine gently traced patterns across her bare back and gifted her with sporadic kisses along her jaw, neck, and chest. This was something new. He would always flee before his temporary partner could wake up, so the morning after felt foreign to Antoine.

"You blew my mind last night," he finally said.

She looked up into his sharp blue eyes and smiled. Antoine took her face in his hands and kissed her, leaving his lips to linger a little longer than she expected. She mimicked his actions from earlier by running her fingers along the tattoos that covered his arm. Antoine made a move to get up, but Carmen firmly gripped onto him.

"What are you doing?" She moved back and pulled the sheets up to cover chest once Antoine moved away from her. Carmen cocked her head to the side as she was unsure of his actions.

Antoine sighed and placed himself between the sheets and Carmen again. The tenderness of the kiss they shared almost tempted Antoine to stay a little longer.

"I have a flight to catch," he said in between kisses.

"Oh," was all Carmen could respond to as she felt him roughly move his lips on her neck. That was sure to leave a mark.

"You do too."

He stopped kissing and looked up at her. Antione brushed her tangled hair away from her eyes so he could connect with them one last time. The future for them was uncertain, but Antoine knew he had other things to focus on. The final was rapidly approaching and the team had a lot of preparation awaiting them back in Madrid.

"You're flying same time as I am, but of course not with the team," he stated.

Carmen kind of wished they had attended the team dinner only to make a few new friends, but at the same time she didn't regret last night at all, "Are you going to get ready?"

Carmen had lost herself in watching Antoine begin dress himself formally for his flight.

"My clothes," she blushed, "They're in Fernando's room."

"I'll grab them."

Antoine disappeared from the room for a few minutes and returned with the her belongings. Carmen casually dressed herself in a loose grey top and leggings, something that would serve as comfortable during her flight back home.

When she re-entered the main room from the bathroom, it wasn't Antoine dressed up nicely that caught her attention, but the repetitive shrieks of laughter that got to her. Her eyes found the source of the awful sound. Antoine was caught watching a funny sponge that lives under the sea—aka Spongebob Squarepants.

What a child.

"Would you please turn off the damn television!"

"Don't hate on Spongebob, that's my favourite show," he pouted before breaking into a shrill of laughter himself.

"Grow up."

"Next to High School Musical as my favourite movie."

Antoine winked and forced a smile onto Carmen's lips, "Can't disagree with that. But please, just shut it off, his laughing is damaging my eardrums. Do you want me to become deaf?"

"My bad, my bad," he turned off the show, "Anyway, I think we better pack up and get going."

✕ ✕ ✕

"So..." Antoine looked down and stuffed his hands into the pockets of his pants, "I guess this is goodbye?"

The team bus was waiting at the front of the hotel. Most of the team had already loaded their luggage into the bottom compartment and vanished behind the tinted glass windows. Fernando had called a taxi for Carmen before saying his goodbye and then leaving the pair alone for their last precious minutes.

"Goodbye?" She questioned in a sad tone.

"For now," he reassured before releasing her hand and waving back to her.

Carmen's eyes followed the bus until it disappeared from her sight. She got into the cab and told the driver where she was headed before checking the notifications that presented themselves on her lock screen.

1 new message

(foreverfernando) is online

foreverfernando: i miss you

Carmen couldn't help but laugh at the message he'd sent her. Antoine anxiously awaited her response as he concentrated on the screen of his phone and drowned out the sound of his teammates.

(mrsbartralona) is online

You: antoine, u literally just left

foreverfernando: but still

foreverfernando: come back to me

You: i promise you'll live

foreverfernando: not without u ;(

foreverfernando: i cry

You: bahahah

You: ur such a baby

foreverfernando: we should do this again sometime :)

You: do what? do want to actually meet up over lunch to talk or would you rather have me in ur bed?

foreverfernando: why chose one when i can have both!

You: i hate u sometimes

foreverfernando: only sometimes tho

You: mixed emotions

foreverfernando: lol

foreverfernando: but u love me sometimes too i hope?

You: meh

You: only sometimes

foreverfernando: did u hear that everyone? she said she loves me!

You: *inserts the biggest eye roll of all time*

You: goodbye griezmann

foreverfernando: cya carmen

Virtual Love | Antoine GriezmannWhere stories live. Discover now