Chapter thirty-one.

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Chapter thirty-one.

I heard voices around me. People where whispering, i knew exactly who was around me just judging by all the different accents.

'What if she doesn't wake up?' I heard someone whisper, I knew it was Ruby.

'You should of taken her to a hospital as soon as we found her!' Harry said a little louder. Hearing his voice made me feel comfortable, but at the same time made me wish i never woke up. I tried to open my eyes, but i couldn't. It felt like my eye lids were glued together. Next i tried to open my mouth to speak, but nothing came out. I wanted to slam my head against a wall in frustration. Why couldn't i do anything? Why was everyone worrying about taking me to a hospital.

'I'm really worried! She hasn't woken up in days!' This time it was Jazz speaking. I heard a few others talk between themselves. Why could i hear everything that was going on, but i couldn't open my eyes or speak. It felt like i was alive in a dead persons body.

I felt someone grab my hand.

'Squeeze my hand if you can hear me.' Niall. I could tell the Irish accent anywhere. I tried to squeeze his hand, i tried for even the slightest movement. Just to let them know i was here, i was alright.

'Guys!' Niall said, excitedly.

'Guys! She just moved her hand!' He said, i felt my hand drop back on the bed indicating that he had gotten up.

'Does this mean she is going to wake up soon?'

'I'm going to get the nurse!' Ruby said, i heard footsteps walk out of the door, followed by some more.

Deep down inside, i wished it was Harry leaving. I didn't want him to be here when i woke up. I didn't want to face him yet. I wasn't ready for what i was about to hear.

Ruby // One DirectionWhere stories live. Discover now