Chapter Thirteen~

Începe de la început

   I stepped in the now steaming hot shower and just stood there letting the water hit my neck. After about five minutes of relaxing under the water I decided to start washing up.

After my quick wash up I rinsed off and turned the water off. As soon as I stepped out the shower I heard my phone go off.

  I hurriedly made my way to Breezy's room.  Speaking of he was one of the people that called and text my phone.


     Breezy💕: Miss you already

      Me: Miss you more.. Are u done yet ?

     Breezy💕: Yea. I had to stop at Durk's n drop sum off

    Me: Tell him I said heyyyy wid his finee self😜

    Breezy💕: U tweakin.. Dnt ever play wid me like that bro😒

    Me: My bad bae😘

   Breezy💕: Did u go home yet?

    Me: No I just gt out the shower

   Breezy💕: Hmu when you get there

   I decided to put the phone down or else I would never get out of here. I quickly put on my red and black plaid shirt and jeans. I decided to put a red letter jacket over it.

   I went to the mirror to examine how cute I looked. Finally I was ready to get out of here. I picked up my phone so I could reply to some of these messages.

     Pooh⛽️: Everyone thinkin of havin a girls night

    Me: Who's everyone?

    While I waited for Pooh to reply I went on to Shay's messy ass text.

    Shay💊🚬💣: You comin out later?

   Me: where?

   Shay💊🚬💣: We ain decide yet. Bt bout time you get permission frm breezo we would kno

   Me: Listen Bitch im mf tired of your shady ass comments and ion need permission frm no nigga✌🏾️

   I put my phone in my purse and grabbed my keys. I locked the door with the key Breezy gave me for "emergency purposes." He lowkey keep tryna move me in, but I think it's a little too early for that.

   The ride to Ma house was short. When I got to the door she was soo shocked that I had finally came home.

    "If it isn't my long lost daughter." She exclaimed sarcastically.

     "Haha Mama I haven't even been gone that long." I replied giving her a kiss on the cheek.

    "So how's the bae?"

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