“I know,” she agreed sternly. “That’s why I kicked him out.”

“Do I really have to go to this boarding school? Can’t I just get a shrink and a bodyguard or something?” I begged without any hope. “I could manage.”

My mother bent forward to hug me, but I could smell her fear. Every time she touched me, I could smell the cold sweat on her neck. I could see her shiver. I knew I wasn’t supposed to smell that, I but I did. That was exactly why she was putting me here. Because I was different and she couldn’t handle that.

“You’ll be fine,” she attempted to reassure me. “I promise.”

“Don’t promise anything you can’t accomplish,” I warned her, glaring. “Well, let’s get out of this ugly, stinking car. I’m getting sick from the smell of gasoline.”

“You won’t have to take the car anymore once the change is completed,” she reminded me. “See, there’s always a bright side.”

I snorted. “Yeah, being able to run faster than any car really makes me feel better about having to hide from the entire world. From the ‘normal’ world anyway. Since I’m so incredibly dangerous. I’m a vegetarian, for crying out loud! If I don’t even eat meat, why would I want to kill or harm humans?”

“There is so much you don’t understand.” My mother shook her head. “They will teach you here. And when you’re in control, I will visit you sometime.”

“Don’t.” I threatened angrily. “I don’t understand a lot of things. One of them is why you stopped loving me the moment you found out I wasn’t just a plain old human. What’s the problem? You had sex with one of ‘my kind’. I understand why you kicked him out – he was an ass. But I never did anything bad to you.” I paused my rant for a moment while I looked out at my doomed future before me. “Well, besides lying to you about my grades that one time, but for the love of God – I’m a teenager, what did you expect? And maybe that time when I told your new boyfriend he looked like a chimpanzee, but I was only seven years old, I didn’t know better back then. But I haven’t done anything bad enough to make you stop loving me. Except for starting to transform into the same thing my father was. And that isn’t my fault at all and you know that.”


“Don’t, Mom,” I interrupted, unable to take another one of her fake promises. “Just don’t.”

I got out of the car and took my bags from the trunk. She tried to help me, but I didn’t let her. I was determined to go there on my own. I didn’t want her with me anymore. If she was doing this to me and if she stopped loving me because of this thing that wasn’t even my fault, then she had to deal with the consequences. And not being a part of my life anymore was one of them.

“I will carry them, Mom.” I told her. “You get in your car and get out of here. I wouldn’t want my poor mother to get scared by the mean monsters that live here.” I sarcastically feigned concern as I cruelly turned my back to her.

“Dem...” she sighed. “Don’t be like this.”

“This is what I am, Mom.” I opened my mouth and showed her my pointy teeth. “I’m a vampire – or at least, I will become a vampire. You’re a human, we don’t match. I understand. I’ll go blend in with the other freaks now. Just go.”

She took a step toward me, but I snarled and showed her my fangs again – extended, this time. She took a step back immediately, fearful. As if I would ever hurt her. “I’ll just go now.” she finally caved, voice trembling.

“Yeah, you should go,” I agreed, glad that she had finally taken the hint to leave me alone. “If you really believe that me showing my fangs means I want to kill you, you should go.” I viciously snarled. “I only show them because scaring you is the only way you’ll ever leave me alone. Now leave me and don’t come back.”

Supernatural Boarding School #1 - A Bond of Love ✅Where stories live. Discover now