Chapter 7

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You impatiently waited, hoping Bowser would soon come. You sighed, thinking perhaps the mail wouldn't deliver to Darkland. Bowser would notice if you had left, right? Or would he think you left him... You punched the wall in frustration

"Damnit..." You muttered, holding your hurt hand.

You looked out your window, but still no Bowser.

"This is just perfect..." You muttered.

"Chillax... He'll come sometime soon." The same paragoomba assured, flying to the window. You backed up so it could come inside.

"I hope." You frowned.

"I could try helping you escape." The goomba suggested.

"Really?" You asked.

"Just hold onto my feet, I'll try flying through the window."

You grabbed onto it's feet, but it struggled to take flight.

"Sorry." It murmured.

"It's okay." You sighed.

You began to grow drowsy, and lied back in your cot.

• • •

You woke up and stretched. The paragoomba flew into your room, resting on the window ledge.

"Miss! There's a huge ship in the sky! It's Bowser!" It exclaimed.

You looked out the window, spotting Bowser's doomship.

"Bowser!" You called, almost in tears.

You frantically waved your arms to draw attention to yourself. The ship began to lower, and Bowser walked on the edge of the ship. You tried crawling through the window, but it was far too small.

"Bowser, help!" You called.

"How the hell did you end up here! I went to go to bed, and you were gone!" He frowned.

"Mario kidnapped me, they think you've brainwashed me or something." You explained.

"Mmmhhmm..." He murmured.

"Aren't you going to get me out?"

"I... I... I thought you left me."

"I would never!" You gasped.

Bowser blankly stared at you.

"Bowser! I can't prevent these kind of things! We literally just got married awhile ago, why would I leave so soon?"

His blank expression turned into a frown. You backed up as he punched the stone wall, so no bricks would hit you. His large hand reached for you, tightly grasping your waist and pulling you onto the ship. He still didn't let go of you, but held on tightly.

"You can let me go now."


You pulled away, and walked to to the opposite side of the ship and looked over the edge.

"Apologize to me." He demanded.

"What the hell! You were the one harassing me!"

"I wasn't!" He objected.

"Oh yeah? Well I'm sorry you can't understand that I've been waiting for you to come and save me, but you never even said one nice thing!" You growled.

You took off your ring and threw it to the ground. You ran to the room you used on vacation and slammed the door shut. You cried, hiding your face in your knees. You sat alone for a couple minutes in the quiet room. You soon heard a light knock on the door.

"Y/N..." He murmured, "I... I... I'm sorry. I'm being a bad person, and... I just never thought the way you did. I just came back, and no track was left behind. Just that you weren't there. I only came to look for you, because one servant reported seeing Mario around the area."

"Can you please forgive-" You cut him off quickly.

You swung the door opened and hugged him.

"I'm sorry too." You weeped, your hair covering your face.

(Ignore if you don't have any hair or just really short hair)

He slipped the tiny ring back onto your finger and held onto your smaller hand tightly.

"It's my fault this happened in the first place, I should have better minions, but their trying their hardest." His glum face drooped.

"It's fine, I'm just glad to be back." You tried to smile, wiping away your tears.

You lightly kissed his snout and hugged him.

"Let's just go home, I never want to go here again." You glared, looking through a window.

"Neither do I, just relax for awhile, Datkland is far away." Bowser left, shutting your door.

You laid down on your bed and sighed in pain.

Seven more months... You can do it!

You tried to hide the pain, but you still felt the sharp pain in your stomach. You closed your eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

• • •

You woke up in your regular bedroom, almost suffocating underneath Bowser's arm. You tried to push his heavy arm off your neck, but it wouldn't budge. You slid down the bed and fell off the bed onto the soft carpet. Bowser was heavily snoring, taking up the majority of the bed. You tiptoed to the balcony door and crept through. You watched the sun slowly rise and how all Bowser's minions had already been awake. You yawned, rubbing your eyes and stretching. You looked over at Bowser as he grunted and rolled around. You giggled at him, but he seemed to be in a deep sleep. He was usually awake before you, but why had he chosen to sleep in today? As you were lost in your train of thought, you were shocked to spot Mario running down the path that lead to the castle. You ran to Bowser, shaking his shoulder to wake him up.

"Bowser! Mario's back!" You stressed.

"Five more minutes..." He grumbled.

"Nooo... Wake up!" You demanded.

"Wait a second... Mario?! Where?" Bowser woke up, realizing what was really going on.

"Outside the castle." You informed.

"Damnit!" He growled.


Hey guys! I'm glad you guys are loving this book! I need to change my updating schedule from every once in awhile to every Monday, but in September, I'll change it to Friday or Saturday. I'm sorry I don't update everyday, but writing these chapters are getting harder, but I'll try to get better ideas.

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