"Zayn, talk to me." Harry mumbled to me sounding nervous after they called his name, making the crowed go absolutely crazy. I pushed forward and stood next to him while the gates opened for us all to walk out.

"There's no reason why you can't win. You're strong, you're fast and you have a heart of gold. You're the best brother in this whole world. Go out there and knock this lad on his flat arse. You also have a nice ass if that makes you feel better." I told him. He elbowed me but I saw through his focused face that my words were all he needed to relax just a bit.

The four of us, plus our security, made our way out to the ring. I fell back so I was behind Harry and watched as he climbed in the ring. Louis set his stuff down so it could get looked over by the officials that ran this event. Harry bounced around the ring, making me realize that he definitely looked a lot lighter on his feet. The other lad was announced out and got an even more excited crowd. Harry's opponent got in the ring, but I noticed he looked less muscular than Harry. Maybe it was lean muscle, but I just remembered years ago when these two fought, Harry looked like the scrawny one in the ring. Now he looked like the one that was going to take control of this whole fight.

"This is going to be a clean fight. Watch the kidney punches and low hits. Shake with your opponent if you would like." The referee said as both of them there in the center of the ring. Harry nodded and stuck his hands out. Johnson just walked back to his corner without even touching gloves with Harry. Harry came back and let Louis put in his mouth piece. I gave him a few sips of water then climbed out of the ring. Louis climbed up one more time to give Harry one of the biggest hugs I've ever seen the two share in public. Harry kissed Louis' cheek and Louis came to stand next to me.

The thing about Harry and Louis' relationship is that it is very private. Both of them are unsure about how to share their relationship with the world in a way that would make it just seem normal. The way Niall and I did it was just talking about everything like it was the standards most of society consider normal. I say fuck normal and do what you want because life is too short to live it for everyone but yourself. Harry and Louis were just afraid it would hurt Harry's climb to the top more than it would help it. For me, it made my public character look like a loving family man that would take punches for his pregnant husband. Then everyone met Niall and they saw he was a complete opposite of me in so many ways that to the media it made us look cute. With Harry, he still doesn't have a face in the media that isn't just in the ring. If anything, it's just that he's my best friend and that he's going to get married soon.

The bell rang for the match to start and Louis came to get closer to me. I watched as Harry stayed back from his opponent and dodged a few attacking hits. Harry was pretty much controlling the fight by bouncing around and shuffling to move the other guy too. Harry, however, didn't look the least bit tired where the other guy looked frustrated that he had to move so much. This is one way Ethan is pretty much helping Harry win this fight.

Harry found an opening after a minute of the most boring fight ever and took it the way I would take an open opportunity. He made a quick jab with his left then landed a nasty punch with his right, leaving a bloody cut under Johnson's eye. That stunned him enough for Harry to hit his body enough times to get him in a corner before going at his head. At one point, Harry must have hit Johnson's right rib and hurt it because that side of his defense dropped and Harry gave him a nice hit to the eye before that round was over.

"Stay on the defense as long as you can then flip the switch to offense. Just like you did, Harry. You're doing great." I told Harry as Louis gave him water and padded off some of the sweat from Harry, considering he hadn't been hit yet so he wasn't bloody. I saw the love he had in his blue eyes and that made me want to call the fight off and watch them get married right now.

The Rematch (Ziall Horlik)AU M-PregWhere stories live. Discover now