Demi's Diagnosis

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Demi's POV    

      So I walked into the den where my therapist was waiting for me. She stood up. "Hello Demetria" I gritted my teeth at that. I hated when people called me Demetria. My. Name. Is. Demi. Yet, Mrs. Bugandi always called me Demetria. "Hi Laura." I called her Laura because she hated that name too. Suck it bitch. She narrowed her eyes. "I have some good news Demetria." Wow, i didn't get a shitty comeback she must be in a good mood. "Yes?" "Well we have found a new diagnosis... We hope this will help with your recovery." Great something new that's wrong with me. "What is it." She seemed scared to tell me. "Well..." "Just fucking tell me." I said wondering what else could possibly fuck up my life. "Demi we have concluded that you are bipolar." Bipolar. The fuck? "You mean like the crazy ass mood swing thing?" I said. "You might want to treat the disease with more respect considering you have it." Laura hates when i say anything bad about mental illnesses. "How do you know? Like how do you fucking test for that? And why do I have it? I don't have insane mood swings all the time." She waited calmly while I ranted. "Demi this explains alot of things in your life. Your periods of depression and then periods of an extreme joy. They don't happen right after another. They can be long spreads of each." Laura explained with a patient gentle voice. I realized then that it did explain alot. My weird hyperactive ways and then followed by me coming crashing down into my darkest days. "So what now?" I asked tentatively. "Well we are going to have to tweak your medications... You might have huge adrenaline rushes and the urges to do something crazy like, i don't know.. go skydiving.. Will be frequently present." adrenaline rushes? Weird. "But that is why we have called the doctors meeting with you and Jessica, since she is your roommate and you will most likely be having these crazy emotions we need to prepare both of you. We should really get going." She stood up. "Uhh im meeting Jessica at the cafeteria, I'll catch her up to speed." I got up not waiting for an answer and sprinted for the cafeteria. 

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