Checking in

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       I sat in the car crying as we made our way up the winding path that led to my new home for the next six months, Timberline Knolls. I had already said goodbye to my mom and my sisters, needless to say it was very emotional. 
We walked into the lobby and i had to admit, it was pretty nice. "Name?" Asked the receptionist. I nudged my dad, indicating that he should speak. "Jessica Parker" he replied. "Ahh Miss Parker! We've been expecting you" She smiled a too wide smile. 'What the fuck these people are freaks' i thought to myself. Two doctors came out of a door and told me to say my goodbyes. 
       As a 6'5" guy that built like a tank, you don't exactly expect my dad to cry. But there he was sniffling and everything. "I'm so sorry daddy" I said, tears coming to my eyes. "Don't be babygirl, I love you so much and I'll see you in six months!" I gave him one last hug and then turned to the doctors.
'Ugh why does everyone keep smiling at my its creepy.' Their overly white teeth shown when the started to speak, "Hello Jessica, My name is Dr. Allen" He said while still smiling. "And my name is Dr. Richards" The other one told me. I glanced up at them remembering their faces, i have a photographic memory so its kind of hard to forget things... A blessing and a curse. 
Each doctor took my arm and a suitcase and marched me down the hallway to my new home for the next six months. 

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