dear 7th grade mary

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dear 7th grade mary,

hey you!! it's you, from the future, which is like sophomore year you, woo!! we made it to tenth grade!! okay so this is probably weird and i probably look a lot different but look, we got hot!! anyways, i'm writing this to give you some advice and to tell you what the future is like. okay first off, do not do it. you know what i'm talking about, don't do anything that could pose a threat to anybody, even yourself. another thing is, middle school doesn't last forever. middle school is two boring, hurtful, uneventful years of your life. you're what, 12, 13?? i'm really bad at numbers, but you knew that. OH!! you know that disgusting math teacher, Mr. Bernard, oh yeah he'll get off your back but you'll run into Mr. McGrath in freshman year, he may be a bit worse than Bernard. and, stay in choir. Mr. Underwood may be the meanest, unfun, and strictest teacher but choir gets better and even though freshman year choir isn't any better, you meet some pretty cool people in it. also, continue to expand your music taste. do not stick to pierce the veil and fucking of mice and men. there's so many good artists like there. listen to a bit of everything, even rap/hip hop. you might surprise yourself. another thing, you may be shit at art, but that doesn't mean stop making shitty art!! keep drawing, keep writing, keep doing you!! do not give up. listen to everything your yearbook teacher listens to because Ms. Morgan gives some fucking good advice. oh and i have some news to break to you. that crush on evan, it's not gonna last. because you're GAY!! i'm pretty sure you already knew that, like the crush on hayley williams, liking all your female teachers more than all your guy teachers, never being attracted towards boys sexually. does it all make sense now?? hopefully. and, yknow that punk ass george?? the guy that bullies you in history?? take it easy. he's got some shit going on at home. yes, he's an asshole, don't be to harsh to him. not to his face at least. and English isn't going to stay your favorite subject forever. science is so much cooler. (just a heads up, your next two english teachers are going to ruin english for you.) and you are going to have a bitch ass spanish teacher next year and in that class is where you'll have some first panic attack, woo. so señora magellon, fuck you. or should i say, chingate puta. (translation: go fuck yourself, bitch) also, you will have a really cool science teacher in freshman year names Mr. Beltz and his class is super easy, don't stress about it. he's the coolest fucking guy you'll ever meet, he likes the same bands as you, you guys bond over bands, and you will get some good band suggestions from him. (he also lets you off easy when your P.E. teacher makes you late bc ur an angel) alSO, in freshman year, you're going to have a bitch ass P.E. teacher named Mr. Bispo who is disgusting, disrespectful, endangering to the lives of children, and over all a horrible person. he makes you run 10 laps in the blazing heat, embarrassing you, gives you extra credit if you vomit in his class and will tell you that there's nothing wrong with you. (he also bribes you to get laps done with ice cold water but you'll deal with that when the time comes) you're going to be in your first relationship in about 2 years. she's a beautiful, funny, charming girl and you're going to fall hard and fast and it doesn't end well but you will still talk almost everyday so. ALSO YOU GET TO SEE ONE DIRECTION IN CONCERT AND LET ME TELL YOU ITS THE HAPPIEST YOULL EVER BE!! (you also get to see 5sos, black veil brides (twice), Memphis May Fire, ghost town, pierce the veil (oh yeah), pvris, beartooth (i'm not shitting you), set it off, as it is etc.) and you know that loser patty Walters?? well first off, he stops doing youtube, but he releases a kick ass album with his band and you meet him!! (he laughs at u and u'll cringe everytime u think of it but it's fun i promise) hmm what else, OH YOU MAKE NEW FRIENDS!! there's a really cool girl ur going to meet and her name is julia and HANG ON TO HER FOR FUCKING DEAR LIFE!! at the time i'm writing this, julia and us have been friends for over a year and a ton of shit goes on in that span of 365 days. and there's going to be two cunts (sorry for the use of that word but they are) and they will bully you, make you feel shitty and be mean to you but stick to your gut and get out of those relationships FAST!! and also stop putting everybody else before yourself. only do it in situations that are absolutely necessary. i'm not saying to tell everybody that they can all fuck themselves but i'm telling you that your body, mental health and happiness means way fucking more than anything in the world. anyways, that's about it. so don't die, be happy, and keep creating.

yours sincerely,

10th grade Mary

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