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black lives fucking matter
don't give that 'all lives matter' bullshit
yes, all lives do matter but right now we need to be focused on black lives
all lives won't matter until black lives do
how many people have to die for you to fucking realize that there's a problem?
how many white men have to shoot black people for you to realize that something is wrong?
how many families have to lose their sons, dads, brothers, and husbands to police violence for you to understand?
how many poems do i have to write to get the point across?
how many tweets have to be typed so you know what happening?
how many hashtags have to be created for you to fucking get it?
how many rallies have to be shot up by white men for you to see the problem?
how many of my friends' family members have to be killed for you to know the problem?
how many people have to experience police brutality and have their lives taken away for you to get it through your fucking brain?
you don't understand how many people are losing their lives over the complex of their pigment to white men
do you know how it feels to be afraid to walk outside because you feel like you're going to be shot?
do you know how it feels to tell your kids that if you or their dad gets shot by a police officer that they shouldn't do anything about it?
do you know how it feels to be pulled over and being killed because of a broken tail light, selling cigarettes and CDs or for reaching for your license?
do you know how it feels to hear another black person has been killed by a cop and think "oh fuck, what if i'm next?"
if you're white, of course you wouldn't
i will never know how that feels because i'm white
i will never act like i know how it feels to be constantly feared because of my skin color
i will never act like i know how it feels to be a person of color
and if you're white, you shouldn't either
instead, you support
you show your love for the movement
you go to these rallies and you hold your hands up high
you do all you can for the families of these victims
you educate ignorant people on these issues
and you keep saying
black lives matter

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