dear my 8th grade spanish teacher

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dear 8th grade spanish teacher,
i would like to thank you for embarrassing me for an entire year of my life
you made my social anxiety worse
and instead of making me a stronger public speaker, you made me worse
you let the other kids laugh at me when i accidentally said "cats are bad for your health" instead of "cookies are bad for your health"
you think it's good for us to just get an oral randomly thrown onto us with a two day warning and then you expect us to memorize the whole thing in that period of time or we will get an f?
now, i may sound whiny but it's sorta true
it's like asking a dog to learn how to do a trick in two days or else they won't get fed
i have missed so many days of school because of your class because i'm so afraid of choking up and having an anxiety attack
you asked me what was wrong with my grade and i was going to yell at your right then and there, in front of everyone but i choked up and held back my opinion
you put me into such a bad mood
you decide to pick me out of all the about 30 students you have to explain something that haven't even learned yet
now, i know you have good intentions but you aren't getting that across
you keep telling us that it is a college prep class and that we always need to be prepared
but you know, we are only human
we will forget our pencil in our first period class or leave a paper somewhere is our bedroom
you can not expected to be perfect little 13 year old college students when we are nowhere near college yet
you can not expect that from us
i used to be one of the best students in your class but ever since 2nd quarter I've down slided and that's all because of the you
you just make me not want to learn
you are also my 2nd period teacher so i'm grumpy for 5 periods before i can go escape from the outside world and into my earbuds
thank you for making me have an anxiety attack every single time i walk into your class
oh, and fuck you

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