dear you

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hey you, how are you? are you doing well? i hope so. you deserve to be. um, so life's going well i hope? i heard about your dog, that's pretty shit. oh and sorry about your dad being mean, th-that's pretty shit, too. it's been over a week since we broke up and i'm pretty okay. i hope you are. don't think of me. i'm not worth your beautiful thoughts. i'm getting over you, which is good, i guess. i'm not as torn up this time, which is great, since the last time we broke up i was heartbroken for the two weeks we were broken up and had gotten into a deep state of depression. bUt enough about me, i wanna hear about you. tell me about your day. fuck, this is a one sided convo. i forgot. i've seen you completely forgot about me, which is good. you should. find more love. i'm not worth you and your beautiful soul. but anyways, i love y- shit no don't say that, she will think you're weird, damMIT MARY!! um, i hope you have a lovely rest of your life and contact me for anything.
all the love,
your ex


yeah i was listening to some real friends and that got me missing her and i'm sad and alone and i just want her but she can't and doesn't want to be with me so that's out of the question, hope you enjoyed!!

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