to tyler

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i discovered your band in 2014
a time where life was confusing and a mess
a time where i couldn't tell night from day
a time where suicide was a constant thought in my mind
i heard a song called 'truce' and my entire life turned around
i heard a man and his piano pouring his heart and soul into what he loves to do
i heard a broken person trying to fix themselves
and i found that comforting
as time moves on you released another collection of art that had your sadness displayed in the words you sang, rapped and screamed
you talked less about suicide and darkness
and more about the girl who you fell in love with and your 'blurryface'
and that made me think about suicide less
and girls more
your art gave water the desert in my head called my brain
your art gave my being a meaning and reason to create my own art
your art loosened the noose around my neck and made my lungs functional again
your art gave me hope
you create art that makes me and thousands of other's people feel okay
you sing lyrics that comfort us in desperate times of sadness and suicide
you tell us that it's okay to be thinking the things we do
and we appreciate it way more than you'll ever know
so thank you, tyler
thank you for your art
thank you for your kind words
thank you for your encouragement
thank you for your support
thank you for your crazy mind
thank you for sharing your thoughts with us
because without them
i'd be dead

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