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dear h,
i know i'll never have the opportunity to say this to you in person so let me say this now. thank you so much for everything. you are such an amazing person but nobody acknowledges it. when people drop their bags, you pick them up. when you see a sick fan, you help them. not many celebrities do that. you are such a special human being and nobody seems to realize that. you are always going to be there for the fans and the boys and for everyone. you always get shit but you always know how to handle it. whether it's driving away from paparazzi or just ignoring it all together, you still do it. you have shaped me into the person i am today. you have made me realize that i must be nice to anybody and everybody even if i don't know them. you have also made me stay humble and down to earth. you have also taught me to be myself. that's one of the most important things in life is to be who you are. and you have made me realize that. i will get a lot of shit for writing this to you, but i don't care. i care about you and i want you to know that. you are a person i look to and i view as an inspiration. thank you so goddamn much for being you. (and you did great at otra santa clara)

all the love,


i really needed to write this because i recently watch this video that explained who the real harry styles was and it made me cry and it made me realize how much of an amazing person he is. i love him a lot.

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